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(A/N): Here we go, let's all enjoy this.

The Rig, 2289.

Vertibirds take off just as fast as they land. Civilians from all around the commonwealth crowd together as they're lead to the lower levels for safety. Watching from the catwalks stand two men in military uniform, on the left stand a man of average height and build, wearing a bomber jacket decorated with patches and bars repenting a distinguished career. He wore a hate with five star sown into it. This is General Russell Ward, highest ranking officer in the Enclave. The man on the right wore a large coat that covered most of his uniform, he had a Stern look on his face as he watched the civilians as they were moved below. His eyes full of concern. This man is Colonel Augustus Autumn, second in command of the Enclave.

General Ward:"Kane has informed me that the machine is almost ready. Thank god for the Midwest brotherhood, without them in the way the NCR would be right on top of us." He reaches into his jacket for a cigar.

Col. Autumn:"It doesn't make sense. I made sure none of our enemies could find us...."

Russell puts his cigar between his lips as he brings up his lighter.

General Ward:"Does it really matter? By the time the NCR defeats the Midwest brotherhood we'll be long gone."

Autumn looks at the pre-war general with skepticism before responding.

Col. Autumn:"Yes, it does matter. Because a highly expansionistic society with a powerful military doesn't just stop in it's tracks to move east against an enemy they believed to be dead."

General Ward:".....I know. But right now the people we have to look after need us to handle the situation accordingly." He takes a drag from the cigar.

Colonel Autumn looks back down at the people below the catwalk, specifically at a man and his children as one of his daughters start crying. Ward looks down and sees the as well.

General Ward:"You should get inside, check up on that grandson of yours, make sure he hasn't run off... Again."

Autumn looks at his so called 'superior' before walking away.

Col. Autumn:"Notify me when the team from atlas summit arrives, I'll want to be there for the debrief." The Colonel says walking away from the General to his personal quarters.

Officer barracks

A young boy about the age of ten is seen playing on his Pip-Pad sitting in a chair next to the door of his grandfather's room.

Shane:"Ha! New high score! Take that rlRed Menace!" The boy shouts as the door opens and Col. Autumn walks in and looks at his grandson.

Col. Autumn:"I'm assuming since you're playing video games that you completed you assignments that Dr. Kane gave you?"

Shane shoulders slump as he puts his game down.

Shane:"But grandpa, Dr. Kane's not even a real teacher and she's creepy." He says.

Augustus isn't having any of it. Giving his grandson a Stern look, he responds.

Col. Autumn:"Shane, we had a deal. You can do whatever you want as long as your school work is done before 7 o'clock. Dr. Kane may not be the best as a teacher but she's the next best thing."

Shane:"But grandpa-" he tries to protest but he is cut off by his grandfather.

Autumn:"No buts! So considering you've disregarded our last deal here's a new one; if you can have your homework done in, let's say the next twenty minutes, I'll go and get you whatever you want from the dessert menu in the mess hall."

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