Chapter 8

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A/N:Hey everyone, I hope you all are having a pleasant day. God bless the Enclave, God bless America and no one else....... especially mutants.

Uss Trident

Admiral Jackson stood with General Autumn and Ward as they look out the window towards the ever growing visual of Vale.

Jackson:"I don't like this."

Ward:"Of course you don't."

Autumn:"I'm with Jackson, we're moving too fast. We should've kept our heads down and maybe done this in a few more years."

Ward shakes his head, he understands why Autumn believes that. His whole life since the escape from Navarro was always hide and survive until Edens orders back in 2277.

Ward:"Augustus please, we're are more than ready now than we were back on earth."

Autumn:"That's exactly what Eden said." He says in a low tone.

Ward:"Eden was a machine that thought it could think like a human, and look where it got it. Trust me gentlemen the Enclave as a whole has a future especially now thanks to this new world."

Autumn:"You mean the republic, Russell. The Enclave is nothing more than the combined might of America's military, which now answers to Menagerie."

Ward:"Doesn't mean we're not Americans  Augustus."

Jackson:"He's not saying we aren't Ward. America lives on in us but right now America will have to wait until we have land of our own."

Ward nods, reluctantly acknowledging that the Enclave for a lack of a better word is just an army with no home, Menagerie may have welcomed them but it's not their land. A majority of the human population on menagerie still identify themselves as Americans and Ward sometimes finds himself asked by fellow officers when they will have their own land to call home.

Autumn:"I think we should leave the fleet here, just in case something goes wrong."

Jackson:"I agree, better to have it here and not use it than to need it and have all the way back at Menagerie."

Ward:"Let's have the Vertibirds ready to go, the president says that our students will be staying in the dorms of Beacon Academy."

Ward turns to walk away, but Autumn stops him.

Autumn:"Did the President say anything about her?"

Ward:"No.... he and the first lady are taking the first Vertibird to Beacon....god help that girl." He says walking out of the bridge.

Jackson:"......I still don't trust him."

Autumn:"After all these years working together with the man....I don't either."

Jackson:"I always get the feeling that he's planning something behind all our backs... and the way he talks is-"

Autumn:"Like you're listening to a fanatic?"

Jackson:"We're all patriots here Augustus. I want America back just as badly as anyone else on this ship....but he talks like America is already here."

Autumn:"I have to agree....but at the same time I don't believe he'd do anything."


Autumn:"It's as I said, I don't trust him but we've worked together for years. He's earned my respect and after everything he's done since we arrived on Remnant he's entitled to some degree of trust. He hasn't done anything to make us think otherwise in the past."

Jackson:"I suppose you're right....I mean he has to be somewhat trustworthy after all Ghira made him his left hand after the election."

Autumn:"I still find it funny that he thought it was a good idea to run for president of a country that had a deep distrust for humans."

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