Chapter 7

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(A/N):Hello everyone, yes, I'm not dead......yet

Belladonna Academy, a week earlier.

Sam can be seen running through the halls, pushing his fellow students out of his way as he made his way to find Shane. As he was running a certain human girl watched with curiosity before he turned down the next hall. Sam ran for the next several minutes until he found the Library. He practically slams the door open causing the librarian to glare at him. Sam with his head down quietly closes the doors behind him before continuing his search.

Sam eventually found Shane reading a book on the American civil war. Sam rolls his eyes before walking over to him.

Sam:"Shane you're not gonna believe this man we're-"

Shane:"Going to the kingdoms, I know." He says cutting Sam off

Sam:"How did you.....ugh right, I forgot who you're related too." He says a little annoyed.

Shane closes his book and sets it down on the table before looking at his friend.

Shane:"Don't forget that I also live with the president, so I'm kinda always in the loop."

Sam:"Yeah who do you think the people from the kingdoms are like?"

Shane just shrugs.

Shane:"We'll just have to wait and see Sam, who knows maybe they'll be just like us."

Sam:"Hm.....I don't know man, I mean from what we've been taught people in the kingdoms are pretty......what's the word......oh, retarded." Sam says as he sits down next to Shane.

Shane:"And lots of people say that about you Sam." He says jokingly.

Sam:"Oh ha ha.....sooooooo how did it go last night?" He asked.

Shane:"What do you mean?"

Sam:"Shane....please tell me you actually went to the party last night....."

Shane:"Oh that......yeah no."

Sam slams his head on the table loudly and he groans, in annoyance but also pain.

Sam:"Shane... you're killing me dude, slow and painfully."

Shane:"Sorry dude but you know parties aren't my thing."

Sam picks his head up and stares at Shane with a plain look on his face.

Sam:"You're an introvert, you know that?"

Shane:"I know who I am Sam."

Sam:"Shane dude what I'm trying to do, is get you out there so when you and Lola finally get together there won't be any issues."

Shane:"Ok what is with you, why are you trying to hook us up?"

Sam:"Because...... because....ah damn it, look she asked me to ok?"

Shane:"Lola asked you to annoy me until I go out with her?"

Sam:"No she asked me to see if you were interested and if I did......"

Shane:"Well spit it out Sam."

Sam:"She said if I helped her get with you then....maybe she could put in a good word for me to one of her really hot friends." He says sheepishly.

Shane:"...... You've been annoying me about this for as long as you you could have a shot with one of her friends...Dude you have to be the most desperate guy I have ever met."

Sam:"It's not desperate if ever other girl is taken, isn't interested or doesn't like humans...."

Shane:" wanna talk about this?"

Sam:".....No I'm good, look I'm sorry I've been annoying you but I know you're not fucking blind, she wants you."

Shane:"Well that's all fine and dandy but right now both of us have priorities."

Sam:"Shane you're my best friend so believe me when I say that life is short we need to make the most of it."

Shane:"Sam we're 17, there is plenty of time for us to get into trouble and relationships of all varieties in the future but right now I'd like to focus on the  present."

Sam:"Fine.....but do you at least think about her?"

Shane:"Oh my fucking god! Fine! Yes, I would like to date Lola, are you happy?!"

Sam:"Happy? No, satisfied? Most definitely."


The two boys look behind them to see a VERY angry librarian glaring at them. The two looked at each other before getting up and walking away, apologizing as they walked away. As they made their way out of the library they failed to notice a Faunus student in the library reading a book of poetry.

???:"Man....the nerve of some people."

Belladonna Academy, today.

Shane went through his bag double checking to make sure he had everything he needed. Sam stands next to him playing Red Menace on his Pip-Pad.

Sam:"Shane you've gone through that thing twice already I think you've got everything." He says as he frowns at the game.

Sam:"God damn it."

Shane:"You lose again?" He asks as he was closing his bag.

Sam:"Dude this game is rigged, I don't know how you have such a high score when I can't get passed the third level." He says putting the device away.

Shane:"I'm just that good Sam, just that good." He says with a smirk.

Sam was about to retort when he spotted something behind Shane coming closer.

Sam:"Dude, Lola on your 6." He says quietly.

Shane looks over his shoulder as he spots Lola and her friends chatting up a storm as they walk by. Shane and Lola make eye contact before she walks past them, her friends still talking.

Sam:"Dude....10 bucks says you and her get together over the trip."

Shane rolls his eyes as he picks up his back soon after he has his bag over his shoulder their names are called up to fill up the next transport.

Shane:"Come on Sam."

Sam:"Yeah yeah....hey you think they'll give us chances to fight some Grimm? All that training seems kinda pointless if we don't get to use it." He says grabbing his bags and following Shane.

Shane:"Honestly...I hope so, I'd love to try my baby on an Ursa." He says somewhat excitedly.

Sam:"Dude that would be awesome!"

The two young men make their way to the landing pads where the Vertibirds are ready for take off and to drop off the students, teachers, and military personnel on the carrier for the journey towards the Kingdom of Vale and to possible adventures.

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