Chapter 6

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(A/N): Chapter 6, what to expect..... you're going to find out because I don't spoil anything. Enjoy.

Belladonna Household

Ghira sits at his desk looking at a letter he's holding in his hands. Standing in front of his desk in the office with him are General Autumn, General Ward, and Admiral Jackson. The three men in charge of the whole military.

Ghira:" you remember what I told you about the Vytal Festival?" He asks putting down the letter and staring at the men in front of him.

General Ward:"It's a celebration to the end of the "Great war" that all kingdoms participated in almost a hundred years ago. Every year the festival is held in a different kingdom to promote peace and cooperation between all four kingdoms."

Ghira:"Correct....and as far as history can go there has only been four kingdoms to participate in the tournament at the Amity Colosseum. Gentlemen this letter is from Atlas however it is signed by all council members of each Kingdom...they want us to attend the festival and if approved by them, have our own students compete in the tournament."

This news surprises the three men, the only time the republic had contact with any of the kingdoms was after the talks with Atlas.

General Autumn:"Mr. President, with all due respect....I think this is a bad idea. The only people who know anything about what Menagerie is today are the various Councils... revealing what Menagerie has become to the whole of the world could bring us trouble."

Admiral Jackson:"He's right.... imagine if the White Fang found out about humans living in Menagerie, they'd try to destroy everything the Enclave and the Faunus have built if they're not planning something already."

Ghira:"I understand your concerns....but Ward here has assured me that all White Fang cells were dealt with, the white Fang has no idea about the Enclave. Right General?"

General Ward:"That is correct, the White Fang are completely in the dark about what's really been happening on menagerie. Our people in the D.I.A. have been feeding them false information about everything going on here."

Ghira:"Have they asked about...her?"

General Autumn:"The concern about her stay in Menagerie has been questioned nearly dozens of times, but we've managed to keep them relatively in the dark."

Ghira:"Then I see no reason as to why we must continue to debate on this matter, run everything by Congress and begin preparing the fleet for travel. I have another meeting to get too."

Ghira leaves the three military men alone as they begin planning the journey to the kingdom of Vale.


Ghira stands in front of a cell, the sole occupant staring at the wall instead of him.

Ghira:"It's been three weeks, and I know you've got questions you want no, need answered."

Sienna:"......I never thought you were so weak as to let THEM settle here on OUR land."

Ghira:"Your first mistake is thinking I'm weak, when the Enclave first arrived I was skeptical but as time went on I learned to trust them. And because of that trust Menagerie is as capable of accomplishing things just like Atlas if not more. Menagerie is now and will continue to be the beacon for all Faunus, and everyone will remember that for centuries to come."

Sienna:"The fang will come for me-"

Ghira:"Not if we can stop them, and even if they manage to get back here they'll be stopped by our soldiers. Sienna this alliance with the Enclave has given our people real hope for the future, this is the chance our kind have been waiting for and if you could open your eyes to what could be achieved then maybe I'll let you out, until then enjoy your stay."


(A/N): Sorry it's short, and I'm sorry it's been awhile since the last update I'm moving again and it's taking longer than we expected. The next chapter will be longer.

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