Chapter 5

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(A/N): So here we are, let's do this! It's a little short but it's better than leaving y'all hanging.

Belladonna Academy, Kuo Kuana.

Shane sat on a bench looking at the paper that he held in his hands, reading it over and over just to make sure that everything he was reading wasn't a typo or incorrect. He was not the only one as many others around him were looking at the papers they were given, many were celebrating while some were practically glaring holes in their papers. Shane is brought out of his focus when Sam sits next to him with a loud, and dramatic, sigh of disappointment.

Sam:"Dude, this is bullshit! I mean listen to this! My charisma is at a 3, a 3! Im almost tempted to go to the office and demand a retrial!" He says feigning sadness

Shane only roles his eyes before looking back at his paper just as Sam begins rambling on about unfair his report. The report is a more recent addition to the school. The purpose of it is to give a solid report of all the students attending the academy based on the study conducted by the teachers, staff and robots, occasionally the faculty would even give the upperclassmen little missions to research the students in case some parts of the study became inconclusive. The report was a single page of paper, with full details of the students and what made them "SPECIAL".

The report would use a mixture of something called the GOAT exam and the ASVAB, with a little spying tossed in to show just how thorough the school was in documenting their students. It showed their present grades, and expectations of what their grades would be like in each year. It had personal quotes from some of the teachers giving praise or disappointment to the student. The report also gave observations on what careers are available for the students.

The report as gave the students information regarding their characteristics, all of it was simplified into what is labeled as their SPECIAL stats.

Sam stops his rambling as he notices someone out of the corner of his eye, taking a better look he smiles before elbowing Shane to get his attention. Shane looks up from his paper and at his friend in slight annoyance.

Sam:"Dude, Lola's checking you out." He says in a slight hushed tone.

Shane looks over to his left and sees that a brown haired girl with a tan complexion wearing the girls version of the uniform staring at him before looking away with a small pink hue adorning her cheeks.

Shane:"Oh not this again Sam." Shane says rolling his eyes.

Sam:"Oh come on! Shane, for once can you please just acknowledge that Lola is into you! And do me a favor ok? Go out with her." He says, practically screaming at his friend.

Shane sighs loudly before glancing at Sam then taking a look towards Lola and her friends.

Shane:"Lola has better things to do than dating, same as me." He says looking back at his paper.

Sam:"Whatever dude, what did you get anyway? Is it that bad you can't stop looking at it?" Sam asks with a joking tone.

Shane holds out his paper to Sam.

Shane:"Take a look." He says with a smirk.

Sam grabs the paper and reads it carefully, his eyes getting wide as he reaches the end.

Sam:"ALL NINES?!?! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Sam screams aloud, catching the attention of a few students around them.

Shane sits up straight on the bench and looks to the sky with a small smile.

Shane:"Almost perfect Sam, how about that?"

Sam:"Man this is crazy, I've only heard that, like, one in five hundred people get one stat at ten! And here you are with all of 'em at nine." He says in astonishment.

Shane just shrugs as he stared at the sky, letting his mind wander until the bell rang, signaling the end of break.

Shane:"Ok Sam, c'mon we don't want to be late." He says grabbing his paper from Sam.

Sam:"Nine.... fucking nine?" He whisper's to himself.

The two friends make their way into the main building alongside their fellow students to continue the day of learning.

Enclave oil rig/Military headquarters for the republic of Menagerie

Ward:"....Is this accurate?"

???:"I ran it again after my first look, then twice more after that just to be sure it was right..... he's a talented young man general, we could be looking at an opportunity that hasn't been seen by the Enclave since Mariposa. I suggest we-"

Ward:"You will keep those suggestions to yourself sir, or need I remind you of your place. No, we will leave this be for the time being and wait for the next opportunity and that is final."

???:"*sigh*..... understood General."

The radio cuts off and Ward sits at his desk before reaching into his jacket to pull out a cigar and his lighter.

Ward:"Another opportunity will come.....they always do." He says lighting his cigar while staring at the American flag on the wall opposite to him.

Ward:"..... There's always another opportunity."

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