Chapter 4

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(A/N): "......I was just a kid when it happened.... All I remember is everyone around me screaming and crying, the robots were shouting commands to dad said that he and mom would find me at Adams......I never saw them again....." -Enclave citizen

Beacon Academy, days later

The newly formed team RWBY sat in one of the schools many rec rooms, sitting on a couch flipping through channels to find something to enjoy.

Weiss:"Wait! Go back a few I saw something." The heiress, Weiss Schnee said.

Yang Xiao Long, the brawler of the team, used her scroll to change the channel back finding what her teammate saw. What they all saw caught them off guard.

Lisa Lavender:"Afternoon, I'm Lisa Lavender of VNN and today we have received news from other stations across the kingdoms; Atlas has attacked Menagerie!"

This news shocks the team, especially a certain someone keeping secrets.

Ruby:"Oh my gosh! Why would they do that?" Says the leader of the team, Ruby Rose the youngest of the four member team also Yang's half sister.

Weiss:"This....this doesn't make any sense...Atlas has no reason to attack anyone." Weiss says defensively.

Yang looked at the holographic screen before looking to her left to see her partners reaction to the news only to find her gone.

Yang:"Hey! where's Blake?" She asks her teammates.

Weiss and Ruby stop talking to see that the last member of their team was indeed gone from her spot on the couch.

Beacon library

Blake Belladonna was Angry, scared and was going through every emotion in the world as she sits at one of the tables in the library, staring at her scroll specifically a single name on her contacts list. She's contemplating whether or not to dial the number as tears roll down from her eyes.

Blake:"....Please be ok.....please...." She says while her finger hovers over the dial option.

Ozpin's office

The headmaster of Beacon stared at the holographic screen on his desk, not particularly paying any attention to what the reporters were saying rather giving his full attention to the possible implications this would have on the four kingdoms, the whole world. Ozpin lifts his coffee mug to his lips as his eyes narrow at the screen.

Ozpin:"Damnit James....what have your colleagues done this time?"

Mistral, White Fang HQ

The White Fang was in an uproar of celebration, while they're angered by Atlas attack on Menagerie they are far happier that their brothers and sisters fought and won against an Atlas warship. Among those celebrating the High Leader, Sienna Kahn, raised a mug into the sky.

Sienna:"To Menagerie! She has finally bared her fangs and scared away the Atlesians!" She should to her followers.

The crowd shouts in agreement raising their own mugs as they all continue to watch the news on how the Faunus Homeland has finally fought back. Sienna sits on her throne as her lieutenants surrounded her.

Corsac:"It seems Chieftain Belladonna isn't as soft as we thought High Leader."

Fennec:"Yes.... however it does raise my curiosity on how our brothers and sisters managed to bring down a warship."

Sienna:"How they did it is exactly what interests me.... Menagerie had very little capabilities to fight against Atlas. To bring down an entire warship....prep my ship, I want to head straight to menagerie tomorrow morning." She says to one of her men.

Fennec:"Should we alert the other chapters of your departure ma'am?" He asks.

Sienna:"No, I won't be gone that long. If what on the news is true then the humans will have to start treating our people better, especially in Atlas...and it won't hurt to see Ghira again. If all goes well we could see the potential rise of our people to greater heights."

Corsac:"And what a rise it will be ma'am, I'll have our best commanders go with you, perhaps the cause could greatly benefit from the advancements made by our people back home."

Sienna:"Very well, now then let us all enjoy this night. This is not a victory for the Fang...but a victory for all Faunus!" She says proudly.

The men and women around her all nod in agreement before joining the rest of their comrades in the celebration as Sienna sat on her throne and watched her people be truly happy for once.

Sienna:'This....This is how it begins.'

Belladonna Academy, a week later.

Shane and Sam stood side by side as students were called in one by one by the headmaster. Today marked the beginning of the combat training the first years would begin to learn as they continued their four years at the school.

Sam:"So....who do you think we'll be teamed up with?" The young boy asked his friend.

Shane:"Teams consist of seven here, unlike the kingdoms. The generic teams consist of two maybe three heavy weapons experts, a scout, aka you, a medic, an engineer, and a leader."

Sam:"And that means you." He says with a smirk.

Shane:"Would you really take orders from me?"He asks with a smile as he looked at his friend.

Sam:"Hell no, but I'd rather follow your orders then one of them." Sam says tilting his head slightly to the left in the direction of the students that were known for their parents being officers or politicians.

Shane:"Tell me about it. But hey at least we know for sure that the two of us are on the same team, despite my disagreement with how you found out."

Sam:"Their fault they leave the doors unlocked....and they can't use a better password." He says trying to hold back a laugh.

Intercom:"Shane Autumn to room 76, I repeat Shane Autumn report to room 76."

Shane:" we go."

(A/N): Another short one, I'm not proud of that but I'm proud I've kept to my new schedule. Anyway, God bless America, God bless The Enclave and no one else.

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