3- 𝘊𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘒𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘢𝘵

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-:-Y/N POV-:-

I'm sorry Dream, but I have to do this.

I slip away from his grasp, his sleepy arms falling to his side as I get out of bed. It's nearly three in the morning, and Dream gets up around six, so I have three hours to find out who the hell those people were, and what they want.

I'll be back before he even wakes up, nothing too bad can happen, I'll just investigate and go home. Starting a fight would be irrational, and I don't feel like dying today.

I strap my armor on, carefully moving to assure that I don't make a lot of noise. I grab my netherite sword, just in case. The bad part will be the mobs, and finding their "base" or "village" or whatever they call it. I saw what direction they headed in, therefore I can probably find the village within a reasonable amount of time...hopefully.

I make my way out the door, shutting it quietly behind me. I'm surprised Dream didn't wake up, due to him and I always having our guard up, we're both usually very light sleepers.

It's cold outside, and the sound of zombies nearby makes me anxious. I sprint forward, immediately climbing up a tree. Up here, I'll most likely only be confronted by spiders. When Dream and I first started living around here, we set up bridges across some of the trees, and it became our main source of transportation, since the trees around here are so close together.

When I finally get up the tree, I hear screaming in the distance, maybe it came from the village.

I make my way across the bridges, crossing cautiously, as I am terrified of heights. I hear spiders, but I don't see them. I don't have time to deal with them anyway, but I'm sure I'll run into trouble by the time I get there.

I hope not though.

For a moment my brain tells me that this is stupid, that I should just turn back before I do something stupid. No, I'm already moving, I can't turn back now, I'm not a coward.

The bridges rock back and forth as I cross them, making me nervous. At this point I would rather travel on the ground and deal with mobs than walk across bridges that could fall at any moment. Now I really wish Dream and I put more time into building these. Oh well, after tonight, we won't be here anymore.

Honestly, there's no reason for me to be doing this anyway. If we're leaving, you'd think I would leave it alone, but curiosity got the best of me. I haven't seen anyone since we left the L'manberg area, I need to know who they are, I need to.

As I cross the last bridge before the series of trees ends, I hear another scream, similar to the one I heard minutes ago. If this is coming from where I think it's coming from, these people don't seem too pleasant.
"Listen! I don't care how long it takes, he has to know something! I need to find her!" a voice scolds, not the woman we heard out in the woods. No, this girl's voice is more melodic.

"If we keep doing this, he'll die, then you won't get any answers out of him!" the man, Schlatt, says.

"Fine, put him back in the room and lock it, I'll try again tomorrow."

I hear footsteps receding, letting me know it may be safe to drop down. I dropped out of the tree, letting out a grunt from landing on my ankle wrong.

I was right, these people seem brutal, worse than L'manberg. We've lived here for around a month, so why have I never heard or seen them before today? My objective has changed, they're obviously holding someone hostage and torturing them. I need to save whoever they have. Innocent people don't deserve to be tortured. I just need to find out where the room they're keeping him is.

I peer over bushes, looking around. The village seems rather big, bigger than I had expected. I'm slightly shocked, there are a lot of people here. Is there a possibility that anyone from L'manberg is here? Tommy? Wilbur?

Fuck this.

I creep my way through bushes, stopping when I hear the occasional footsteps. It's 3 in the morning, why are all the lights on? Why is no one sleeping? Nothing about this place seems right, it all feels too unreal, or maybe I'm just tired.

Sleep is hard to come by lately, dreams keep getting worse, and I'm too scared to ask Dream for help. What can he do about it? He can't make it stop, he can assure me that it's going to be okay, but I don't know if any sort of comfort can stop them anymore. I keep seeing her, seeing things that seem like memories, but there's no way in hell they are.

I find myself near one of the bigger buildings, and it seems to be the only building with the lights off. It also seems to be abandoned, or at least not actively being used. I see a cracked window towards the back, and decide that I can hide in there while I come up with some plan, cause if I don't, I'll most likely convince myself to leave.

Nearly cutting myself on broken glass as I jump through the window, I get in and fall on my back, my head slamming against the hard floors. Ouch. Hopefully no one heard that, I've never said I was the best at stealthing.

The building is warmer than I would have thought, and the smell of mildew makes it seem warmer as the air goes in and out of my nose.

Maybe if I had woken Dream up, he would've helped me. Maybe if he had seen what I've seen, the poor guy being tortured, he would help me. I shouldn't have left him there, he could wake up and worry about where I am, or worse he could worry that I'm dead.

Before I even have the chance to move, I hear a door open near me. I push myself back up against a wall.

"You're lucky I got her to give you a break, enjoy it while you can." Schlatt whispers, and muffled sounds arrive in response. That must be the guy they took, it sounds like he has a gag in his mouth.

I hear the door slam shut, and I peek my head around the corner, and I see the guy. He's sitting, but he looks rather tall. I can't see his face, as he has a bag over his head. I need to make my way over to him without scaring him. I need to make sure I'm quiet about this.

"Psst, hey! Can you hear me?" I whisper, standing up slowly. I hear the muffled voice again, and I can see him trying to nod.

"Don't freak out, I'm going to get you out of here."

I quietly make my way over to him, letting him know I'm there. I slowly lift the bag from his head.

"It's you, I thought I recognized your voice."


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