11- 𝘏𝘦𝘺, 𝘐 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦

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-:-Karl POV-:-

Something bad is going to happen.

I know that girl, at least, I think I do. She looks like someone I've seen in one of the timelines I've been in. If it is her, she's died in every timeline I've seen her in, along with Dream.

Her timelines are different though, she always ends up with Dream. At first, she hates him, but then she finds herself slowly falling in love with him. It happens every time, and it never ends well for either of them. The part that doesn't make sense is how she even got here. She's in so many different timelines, I've never seen the same person any more than three times.

I need to warn her, if I don't, she'll end up dead again. So basically, her "main" timeline controls what happens in all of her alternate timelines. If I can find what timeline is her main one, then I should be able to warn her.

Why would I warn her?

Well, she was my best friend in a really fucked up timeline. I told her I could time travel, and that one day I wanted her to meet Sapnap and Quackity. But she died before that was able to actually happen. I hate Dream, always have, in every timeline, but she always sees a part of him no one else does.

    I see you, reading these words through a screen.

                     You think you're reading a story?


You're reading something real, just not in your reality.

                 I know who you are.

                                     And so does she.

(A/N: just came up with this, like rn. i hate it, anyways...GONNA WRITE THE NEXT COUPLE CHAPTERS)

Wait For Me | Book Two of "Trust Me"Where stories live. Discover now