6 - 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘉𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘙𝘦𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘵

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-:-Y/N POV-:-

"I'm telling you, it came from the village!" I yelled, running both of my hands through my hair.

I'm a mess.

I've been trying to convince Dream for 20 minutes that the screams came from the village. He didn't see what I saw, it looks like a torture camp. It's not welcoming at all.

"Are you sure? Maybe it was a mob?" he whispered, running his hand down my arm. I can't believe him.

"Dream." I snap, and he flinches.

"What?" he says, putting his hands up in defense.

"Are you just telling me it's a mob because you want to continue what we were doing?" I ask, allowing a smirk to come across my face. His face instantly turns red.

"Yeah, I mean no! I mean it would be nice, but no! I'm just saying maybe you're a little jumpy from going to the camp!" he stutters. What an idiot. I roll my eyes.

"I'm telling you, they have Ranboo. They're torturing him and I don't know why." I sighed. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" his voice lowered.

"You're right. I shouldn't have gone there, I know. But Ranboo is still there, and I can't just leave him there." I reasoned.

"Why does he matter to you? He was with Tommy, he was one of them!"

"No, you're wrong. He saved me, and if he never did I wouldn't have escaped them! You know this."

"Right, but is it worth risking your life? No." He sighed.

I don't know what time it is, I lost my clock. That's one of the scary parts about living in a world like ours, without a clock you never know what time it is. It's scary, not knowing where you are in time. Before I even had a clock, back near L'manberg, I would use the positions of the sun to guess what time it was. When the sun was at its highest point, it was noon. I was probably a bit off, especially with daylight savings, but it helped.

"I might be selfish at times, but I'm not a monster. I'm going to get him." I urged.

"I'll go with you," he sighed "but after we get him, we have to leave, okay?"



The walk to the village was silent as Dream followed me through the trees. I have so many questions, but no one to answer them. Why is Ranboo there? Why do they need him? Before Dream and I leave, I want the answers to all of those questions.

"We're close." I remind Dream.

"Right. When we get there, do you know where they're keeping him?" he asked.

"Well, they were keeping him in an old building, but they definitely moved him when they caught me."

"Wait, so you think it's a good idea to try and save him again, when they probably are searching everywhere for you now?" he snaps.

"Yes, we'll be in and out." I reassure him.

After some thinking, I realized that Ranboo is there for one of two reasons:

1. It has something to do with Tommy, or L'manberg
2. It has something to do with Dream

It's the only reasonable thought. Maybe they want something with Tommy? I don't know why they would, but if they do Ranboo would be perfect leverage(no offense to him). But they could also want Dream...Dream has pissed off a lot of people in his lifetime. What if these are people looking for revenge? I don't know a lot about Dream before I arrived at L'manberg, and even when I was watching all of them, Dream used to disappear at random times, and I could never find where he went.

Wait For Me | Book Two of "Trust Me"Where stories live. Discover now