12- 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘐 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴 𝘶𝘴

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-:-Eret POV-:-

*1 year earlier*

Y/N is so beautiful when she's focused.

She's been writing for a half hour now, whenever I peek over her shoulder to see what she's doing she turns the paper away from me.

"Come on, tell me what you're writing." I grin.

"You'll see it one day, just not now." she replies.

"What? Are you writing your goodbye note for when you run away?" I ask, pretending to faint and fall onto the couch.

Her place is cozy, small, but cozy. She has plants all over the place, although I don't know how they're even alive. There's no windows down here. I'm scared to ask though, it might be a dumb question. She has tapestries all across the ceiling; I wonder where she got all the decor, she's been by herself for years.

"I'm boredddd" I whine, and she sighs immediately.

"Fine cry baby, what do you want to do?" she spins in her rolly chair to face me.

"Umm...I actually don't know." I laughed.

Oh I do know what I want to do, but she's made it clear she wouldn't want to do anything like that with me. We might fight(a lot), but I love her to pieces. I wish she would understand that.

"Don't you have to leave? Don't want people getting suspicious of you being gone so long." She sighs.

The truth is, I don't care if people get suspicious anymore. I plan on leaving soon anyway. If Y/N needed me to stay, I would just for her, but she doesn't need me. She has a plan, and I was never an ongoing factor in that plan. We're friends sure, but sometimes I feel like she only sticks with me because she has no one else. She doesn't have a lot of options for social interaction, I just happen to like her plan so much that I'll keep her presence a secret from everyone. I told her to get a dog, but she shut the idea down immediately. It's weird, because she would pet every stray wolf we'd see in the woods, and they would never bite her. She's a wolf whisperer.

"Let's go for a walk." I suggest, gesturing her to follow me. She does.

"Okay, but not-"

"-anywhere out in the open, I know, I know. You really think I'd take pleasure in getting you into trouble." I interrupt her.
"You would." She glares at me.

"Oh I would, but not THAT kind of trouble." I whisper, winking at her playfully. It takes her by surprise, and I see her cheeks flush.

She says nothing else as we walk. We make our way to the nearest forest full of oak and birch trees. The sun seems to be setting, but we'll get back before dark.

"Hold on, I need a break." Y/N says, leaning up against a tall oak tree.

"Wimp, we haven't even been walking that long." I laugh, punching her arm. She responds with an "ow".

She then trips me with her foot for payback. I fall forward, my hands catching myself on the tree. My arms now surround Y/N, and her eyes immediately widen. Neither of us move. Do I get up and pretend nothing happened? Do I laugh? Or do I take the opportunity that's standing right in front of me?

The last one seems like the most enjoyable option.

I kiss her lips, letting my body close the space between us. She kisses back, a rather shocking revelation to me. I grab both her wrists with my hand and hold them above her head, my other hand placed softly on her waist. It feels like the world is spinning, like everything is revolving around us, here, in this moment. This is all I've ever wanted with Y/N: to know every inch of her, every thought that occupies her mind. I want every struggled movement and sound to be because of me, and I want her to know that. I move my lips to her neck, but have the sudden urge to pull away. I do.

"Y/N, are you okay?" I ask, my breath slightly heavy. Our faces are just barely apart.

"Eret, I can't do this with you, not when you can't do 'casual'." She sighs.

"What do you mean I can't do casual?" I back up, a little offended.

"I wouldn't mind doing this, but we can't- like- date, or anything." She explains, her arms crossed.

The sentence hits hard, and for a good reason. That's supposed to be a nice way of saying "we can make out, but I don't like you like that". Frankly, I wasn't focusing on the fact that she doesn't like me like that. I was focusing on the fact that she wouldn't mind my company, even if it was casual. Which is why I knew, what happens after I reply, would build me up and break me down.

Over, and over again. A cycle. But I don't care.

"I can do casual, Y/N. How dare you underestimate me." I smirk, pushing her back against the tree. We continue what we were doing like what we just said never happened.

*present time*

Being back here with Y/N has brought back all of these flashbacks. But believe it or not, Y/N and I had a fling for months after that. That was, until we had the argument. The argument that made me leave, the one that gave me the courage to disappear. I didn't plan on being gone forever, just to clear my head and regroup myself. I did everything I had wanted to do by myself, only to be kidnapped and tortured in a camp, one that constantly reminds me of the camp we're in right now; the one Cara and I basically founded. They look so similar, but they're so different.

"Eret? You good?" Y/N asks, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just...daydreaming." I reply.

"I don't know how much this means to you anymore, but I missed you. I really wish you had stayed," she emphasizes. She stared dead into my eyes while saying that, making my stomach flutter.

God, I missed her. I want to tell her I didn't want to leave, that I was scared, that I was confused, and nervous, and in overwhelming states of apprehension. But instead, I reply sarcastically like I always do.

"And be a third wheel with you and your boyfriend? No way."

"And there's my Eret." she laughs.

Yeah. Your Eret.

(A/N: I keep thinking about how in this story I would definitely pick Eret over Dream, but then I remember I'm writing a Dream x reader...whoops.)


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