Chapter 2

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Fashion devil

Cruwel's pov

I'm going to Valerie's Boutique in just 2 days because I've been needing to get hard working and skilled people to get to work for me. These worthless employees i have just don't fit my criteria of fashion at all,they simply can't even cut fabric properly. Useless.

Y/n's pov

Ahh another wonderful day at Valerie's Boutique,I've been making a fur coat for Cruwel,not at my own will but i was merely forced to do so by Valerie. Of course i had to do so or else that women would of fired me. I really hope one day I'll find a better fashion boutique to work at. I hear footsteps approaching please don't let it be Valerie.

"Hey y/n just came by to ask you if you want to go out for lunch or something,your choice of course"

"Hey Archie,Oh thank God its you i thought it was Valerie coming to bug me again and speaking of lunch you read my mind I'm starving" you said laughing

"Good then its settled we can go to the new restaurant i saw it just opened up and might i say I can't believe valerie only assigned you to make Cruwel a coat I'm starting to think that old hag Valerie hates you"

"Umm I'm starting to think that too Archie"

"She seems obsessed with Cruwel,and i bet everyone can see it"

"Yea true well let's not talk about her any longer we are going for lunch now huh?" You asked

"Yes y/n as promised,lets go"

*time skip*

* At the restaurant *

"Wow Archie you never told me this place was a five star restaurant,I'm impressed" you said smiling

"Hell i didn't even know myself y/n,it opened up not too long ago and i didn't really have any one special to go with"

"Aww thats sweet so am i special now?"

"You were always special Y/n don't ever let anyone tell you,you're not" Archie said smiling widely

"Thank you you're too kind"

"You're welcome,anyways let's order now the waiters seem to be restless waiting" he laughed

"Yes um i think I'll just have a iced coffee and a spicy chicken wrap" you said

"Good choice I'll have the same"

*another time skip brought to you by Archie's sweetness*

"That food was great Archie I'm so glad i agreed to come with you" you said wiping your face with a tissue

"I'm glad you enjoyed,we should definitely come by again"

"Yes agree, we should go now before we get late to work" you said clearly fearing Valerie's wrath

"Yes Valarie would be mad at us for sure" Archie said and helped you up from your seat

As you both where walking to the exit. You bumped into a man who had platinum blonde and black hair,he was wearing a white spotted coat and red and black suit.

Cruwel you said to yourself.

"Oh how dare you bump into me you could of drenched my coat" cruwel said with disgust

"I'm sorry i wasn't looking where i was going" you shuttered,(this man clearly wasn't one for petty talk)

"Well make sure your eyes are looking where they should be darling" cruwel said looking directly at you

You started bursting out laughing, you were clearly a dirty minded person. But ohh laughing in front of Cruwel. Girl you asking for it.

"What's amusing girl? Are you laughing at me" cruwel raised his voice

"No no" you said trying to convince him

"Good anyways what's your name darling" he asked smirking.

Oh oh first he raised his voice at you for laughing and now he's smirking and asking for your name. Confusion surely hit you.

"It's Y/n L/n" you said softly

"Im Cruwel De Vil I'm sure you know me,everyone knows me" he said smirking

"Yes i know you, i work for Valerie's Boutique and you're coming there in two days right" you said

"Ohh you're Valerie's worker,wonderful i would love to see what skills you have other than your clumsiness" he said eyeing you

Damn how rude of this man

"Umm" you simply said to him not knowing what else to say  as he insulted you.

"Well I'll see you in two days darling,try not to miss me so much" he slyly laughed and you walked away even forgetting Archie was next to you.

"Oh i told you he's quite the character" Archie said

"Yes i see that now,very rude too,but you were right about one thing" you said smiling at Archie

"What?" He said confused

"He really has the beauty of Apollo" you laughed

"Oh my y/n seems to me you have already fallen head over heels for the fashion devil" Archie said amused

"No i haven't I'm just saying he's cute" you said laughing

"Ok whatever you say lovebird let's actually go to the boutique now before we both get fired" Archie said and ran

"Hey don't run so fast i can't keep up" he laughed chasing after him

"I'm sorry darling but If we don't be there on time Valerie it going to kick both of our asses" he said

Darling,that word made you laugh,Archie imitating Cruwel was really amusing.

"You're right" you said and tried to run faster to catch up with Archie.

"We're finally here,im tired now" Archie said trying to catch his breath

"Mmm who told you to run that fast we could of fell"

"Ohh you mean like how you fell for Cruwel" Archie laughed

"Hey I'm not in love with him,stop teasing me" you said and hit his arm

"Fine I'll stop but remember my words,in a couple days you will surely fall for him" he said

"Ha you wish" you said laughing and went inside your office

Would you really fall for such a rude man?

Author's note

Hope you enjoyed that my darling's,more cruwel drama coming soon :)

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