Chapter 3

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Everything's Cruwel!

Y/n's Pov

I've  just completed the finishing touches on the fur coat for Mr Cruwel De Vil or shall i say Devil. Literally everywhere i go i see him its haunting me. Hes on headlines,front line magazine's it's just driving me insane!Everything's Cruwel this Cruwel that.

Not to mention the whole staff is meeting him tomorrow at the Boutique! But when i think of him i honestly don't know what to say he's a pain in the ass but at the same time he was  a bit charming? I can't let Archie know about that oh all i will hear is teasing..

Cruwel's Pov

I'm going to so called Valerie's Boutique tomorrow, can i say im happy about going well hardly,because from all the Boutiques I've visted for recruits none have really impressed me but maybe just maybe I'll fine the potential  I'm looking for.

*time skip*

*Y/n is at her workplace setting up or shall i say cleaning up for the Boutiques big day tomorrow*

"Y/n from the way you are working and cleaning today I'll say you're very stressed about cruwel or shall i say your lover coming tomorrow" Archie laughed

"Archie i am stressed about tomorrow,and secondly he is not my lover!" You rolled your eyes at Archie

"Well as i said y/n it will only take a couple of days for you to fall for him" he said smirking

"Huh i think not!"

"Mmm mmmh mmh i ain't gonna day anything more about cruwel to you today but when that day comes and you fall for him im just gonna say i told you so y/n"

"Yeah right,anyways I'm just hoping everything goes well tomorrow. Or else Valerie's reputation will go down very badly"

"True its one thing meeting Cruwel but its another thing messing up and getting caught  up in a web with him"

"Yeah i know that's what im worried about"

"There's no need to worry y/n just do your job well and everything else will be okay,plus you're the one who made cruwel that fur coat im sure he will be some what impressed with your work and hire you to work for him"

"Thats if i even get credit for making it,Valerie can easily say she made it and no one would question her,but speaking of him hiring i don't want to be apart from you if he hires me and not you as well.Archie you're my best friend!"

"I'll make sure you get the credit y/n trust me. I know you're my best friend too y/n, but its a once in a life thing to get hired to work for cruwel,your work can get recognized and think about it you deserve the hype even if it means working for cruwel"

"I guess you're right Archie,you are literally too kind!"

"Oh stop you going to make me blush" he said laughing and you laughed back seeing his smile

"Y/n,no matter how far apart we are just remember our friendship would never break no matter what happens"

"Thank you Archie you're the most supportive friend I've ever had im grateful for you"

"Likewise y/n,how about you take a break from cleaning uk the office and I'll do the rest,you've done too much work in one day"

"Ok i guess you're right,if you need me I'll be in the kitchen with the rest of the staff"

"Okay go on and rest i promise if i see you with another broom sweeping again I'm going to kick you" he said laughing

"Ohh no no im sorry Archie,i promise I'll take a break I'll see you later"

"Okay bye,also don't stress about tomorrow you will be fine  i know you will"

"Thank you so much Archie,Bye"

Authors Note
And yet again that was a short chapter cause lets face it i ran out of ideas for this chapter. But guys the next chapter is going too be so good i promise :) anyways bye for now..Cruwel will see you soon😈♥️

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