*Prologue *

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I Don't own Harry Potter Sadly But my bestie JK Rowling does.





"Lily! Go now it's Him! Take Harry and Charles!" Cried a panicked James Potter and not even a second later turned to face a snake like face man with a bone white wand. "stupefy!" the man whispered. Stunning James, he continued towards the stairs. "Ah, Lady Potter. I just  need  to kill one child, Move aside now!"

"Not my babies, please kill me take me instead!" Lily  begged to the Dark Lord. 

"Stupefy!"  he casted and Lily fell to the ground in an instant. "Now which of you are the one the prophecy speaks of?" he questioned himself out loud. He checked there magical  cores and the fat, hazel eyed and red haired baby started screaming and whinging. This was Charles James Potter whose magical core was barley above a squib. Voldy checked the quiet, green eyed and raven haired boy who was quite skinny. To say he was Amazed would be an understatement, the child, who was named Hadrian Sirius Potter , had a magical core higher than Merlin and possibly   at the fates level of magic.

"I am sorry, child," the The darkness lord said very softly whilst picking the child up. "you will be the one to kill me, had it been different for that old goat twisted the words , you could of been on my side but with your parents you could never." Voldemort was very sad (even though dumbles said he had no emotions) and was hesitant to curse his 'favourite' curse - the exact same shade of the child's eyes "avada kedavra!" 

But Voldemort's eyes widened in shock when Hadrian, who had been listening the entire time, made a protective shield around himself making the curse bounce back at Voldemort  who dodged it. Then dark essence surrounded Hadrian  and make a lighting shaped scar on his forehead.  The ceiling fell and make a 'V' scar on Charle's cheek s harry fainted . Voldemort, who was still there, apparated to riddle manor to processing what just happed.

 10 minutes later

Sirius Black walked into the potter house and shouted "JAMES! LILY! RIAN! CHARLES!" he saw James on the floor unconscious and said "everate." James woke and saw Sirius and ran upstairs 


They walked into the bedroom to see charles crying (as usual) with a 'V' scar on his cheek whilst sirius found hadrian and didn't see the lighting shaped scar. "James! Call Dumbledore."

Next minute everyone was in Dumbledore's  office James holding Hadrian and lilly holing charles with siri and remi behind them. "I believe Charles is the boy who lived!" Dumbledore  said. Hadrian stared at the man with absolutely astonishment 'How is this man so stupid?' Lily and James were so Happy they temporally forgot about Hadrian. Charles was LOVING the attention his stupid prat of a brother always got the attention. It was in this moment they remembered hadrian and checked him over .

"What about Hadrian?" James asked 

"He will have to be raised by someone else" Dumbledore replied. He silenced there protesting with a raise of his hand. "You may collect my dear Hadrian here, when he is around 11 for Hogwarts.

"Where will he go?" Lily asked

"Longbottems?" James suggested 

"Haven't you heard, my boy? They were attacked by Bellatrix and her husband along with his brother too. They drove Alice and Frank to insanity."

"We could put him with your sister, Lily." He then suggested he needed Hadrian out of his way to focus on winning the war with Tom. "He will be jealous of Charles and will hate him for it likely."

"Okay then, he can go tomorrow at 10am." Lily said reluctantly 'I just hope he won't hate us for it."


Hadrian was tired and was playing with his Uncle Paddy or Siri when his mother asked for him. 'Maybe their gonna give me a present...' Hadrian thought happily. He was put in his crib and soon fell asleep. 

"Here he is, Headmaster." James said

"Thank you, James I will put him at the door." Dumbledore said and apparated away the next moment after lily had wrote a letter to Petunia  explaining the situation. He strolled down the path to number 4 privet drive and placed baby hadrian on the doorstep with the note tucked in the blanket. Little did he know he was not the only magical being there.As another old man was there who was in golden robes. As soon as Dumbledore left the man went to pick up the child and then dissolved in a flash of light...

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