Chapter 8: The Sorting

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don't own harry potter nor other stories kinda based off also MEERY XMAS HEHEHE 

They had arrived. 

That was the same thought that went through everyone's minds in that compartment. Hadrian Sirius Potter-Black-Shadow, Draco Lucius Malfoy, Blaise Antonio Zabini, Neville Franklin Longbottom, Daphne Iris Greengrass, Pansy Parkinson and finally Tracey Davis all stepped off the train and all onto the platform. They walked towards boats and heard a large man, half-giant by the looks of it, shout "INTER' THE  BOATS! NO MOR' 'AN 'OUR INNA BOAT!" so they would have to split up. Hadrian, Draco, Blaise and Neville got in one and Daphne,Pansy and Tracey got in a boat with another girl called Cali Colkett. As the castle came into view there were a lot of oOoOhHs and aAaHhhs but mostly from future puffs and lions. Hadrian, of course, had already seen it thousands of times and hissed in parsteltongue to Ivy, his basilisk familiar who was in a smaller form,  

"Almost home, Ivy. You can go to Ssssalaarssss Chamber when the sorting happens."  

"Yes master of course."  Ivy hissed back happy to go to the chamber 

After crossing the Black Lake they were put in a room with big doors in front of them but in front of the doors sat a strict looking Teacher. After they were all their she began to speak.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. I am Professor Mcgonagall, Head Of Gryffindor House, Deputy Headmistress and i Transfiguration teacher. Now, the houses of Hogwarts are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin." she said

"In order of favourites no doubt." Hadrian muttered to Theo and Daphne.

"When I call your name out you will walked up to a stool and will sit on it. Then, I will place the sorting hat on your head and you shall be sorted." She continued "I suggest you neaten yourselves up. I shall be back soon to collect you." she then turned on her heel and went back into the Great Hall.

"So, Potter," Draco said but not before winking at Hadrian. "I hear you have high ambitions. I can help you achieve them. You don't have to go making friends with the wrong sort." He said holding his hand out as if Charles was going to shake it. And he looked at weasley and the mudblood- sorry Muggleborn with disgust at the end. 

"You Don't Deserve to talk to him, you filthy death eater scum!" screamed Weasel spit flying out of his mouth at future puffs and claws. Who looked at him in disgust. 

"Get the hell off, you slimy filthy snake!" ol' charlie shouted as Mcgonagall walked into the room.

"Mr. Potter! We do not use that language and don't harass  Mr. Malfoy. Same to you Mr. Weasley! 10 points each from your future house!" she said calm but warningly and realising he was just like his Father now but a lot worse! Her eyes traveled to the raven haired boy and her imagination expanding. 'If Godric Gryffindor could see his once brave house now he would be deeply ashamed.' 

"Now they are ready. Follow me." she walked out and everyone followed. 

After everyone was in a line and the song was done she called out:

"About, Hannah!"


"Bones, Susan!" 


"Colekett, Cali!"


After a while of sorting it got to Daphne.

"Greengrass, Daphne!" 


"Granger, Hermione!"


After another while 

"Malfoy, Draco!"


"Nott, Theodore!"


"Parkinson, Pansy!"

"SLYTHERIN !"Everyone thought she would call out 'Potter,Jamie!' but the whisperers started when he was called.

"Potter, Harry!" 



'Well, well well Harry Potter! Do lower you shields please and before you ask I cannot repeat ANY information to the headmaster.'

'Fine, Alisandor.' 

'Finally! Someone knows my name! And what's this? The Heir to Hogwarts, Merlin, Le fay, Black, Gaunt, Evans and Potter! Welcome home, Lord Hogwarts, now what house would you like as you fit them all. Bravery is bigger than Godric! Kindness and Loyalty beyond Helga's Dreams! A mind able to best even  Rowena! And my, my! Salazar taught you well! Amazing Pureblood mask, cunning, ambitious and incredible plans already! And just to confuse them It shall be...'

"SLYPUFFCLAWGRYFF!" (wink wink wonder where that's from? wink wink!)

And with that his robes changed to a mix of Green and Silver, Red and Gold, Yellow and Black, Blue and Bronze! He sat there cursing the Hat repeatedly. Whilst Dumbles looked ready to kill  him and we all know he probably would. Mcgonagall just took the hat and told him to go to the side. 

"Potter, Charles!" 

"The Charles Potter?

The Boy Who Lived?

He looks NOTHING like the books!

He so fat!"

And the whispers started! AGAIN...

(and now for the moment of  truth!)


After everyone was sorted Dumbledore said a speech about the third floor corridor being out of bounds to anyone who does not wish to die a very painful death, don't go in the forbidden forest and other normal things. 

Hadrian was told to go to a table to eat and of course went to the Slytherin table. When they had finished eating Hadrian was told to go to the Headmasters Office.

'Here we go.'...

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