Chapter 7:The Train

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Don't own Harry Potter nor other stories it is sorta based off

A very handsome and muscular  boy walked through the Hogwarts Express. 'The Gryffindor area' as they call it was loud and disgusting with girls drooling at him from the compartments. As Hadrian Sirius Potter-Black-Shadow walked through the end of the 'Gryffindor Area' and into the 'Slytherin snake Area' he felt someone following him. Hadrian spun around to see no one but his eyes traveled into a compartment where three girls were sitting whispering about something, him probably, and looking at him. Though as soon as he looked at them they turned away. The two boys in the same compartment were looking at him as well. One of them he noticed was the Malfoy heir, Draco Lucius Malfoy and the other boy he assumed was Blasie Antonio Zabini, the Zabini Heir. 

"Who are you?" Draco demanded rudely the second he caught Hadrian's eye and opened the door.

"Hadrian Sirius Black, and Sadly, Potter." Hadrian replied coldly. 

"Sadly?" Blaise asked polite but curiously.

"Yeah? What, please don't tell me your one of those fans who would die just to touch the Potts' bodies...." Hadrian said his tone slightly warmer but still very icy.

"Blaise Antonio Zabini, and no I'm  not Dumbledore  supporter. This is Draco Malfoy, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis and Pansy Parkinson. And this bookworm is Theodore Nott. Over there is also Crabbe and Goyle ignore them though." nodding at  the people as he said there names.

"Grand. Mind if I sit here?" Hadrian said still not breaking his mask.

"Well I'm mean I'm surprised you wanted to sit with us...what was it? Filthy Death Eater Scum? Slimy Snakes? Whatever, Potter-" Draco began

"Don't. Call. Me. Potter." Hadrian growled menacingly "I'm not a Potter never have been as Zabini pointed out I said 'Sadly' if you had a few brain cells then you could tell I-I- Hate? No despise? No still to nice how about want to disintegrate them? Yeah that's okay." Everyone in the compartment looked at him in shock, pure shock.

"What house do you reckon you'll be in?" a cold but calculating voice asked.

"Slytherin." Hadrian answered without hesitation, further shocking them. He turned to the sound of the voice and there sat a very beautiful girl with long golden blond hair, stormy blue eyes - not as impressive as Hadrian's stunning green eyes - and a pale skin colour, in other words, Daphne Iris Greengrass or in this case; Hadrian's Betrothed.

"Anyway,I think the point is,Pot-Hadrian, you can sit here. Just watch out for those two idiots," he pointed at Crabbe and Goyle. "And those two." Theo nodded at Draco and Blaise. 

"HEY!" Shouted Draco

 While this was happening Hadrian sat in between Theo and Daphne. Daphne, who was thinking that she knew his name, was deep in thought.

'Maybe I met him at a ball? A place with lots of pure bloods? How about..... WAIT.....aren't I betrothed to someone named Hadrian Sirius Black? or maybe it was Potter? I'll send a letter to Father later.' she thought annoyed at her answer.

An hour later

"Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville has lost his." a bossy, arrogant voice said in the  compartment door. They all looked at her, she had untamed busy brown hair, brown eyes and a few freckles. Then she saw Hadrian and Theo comparing wands. "Are you doing magic? Let's see then." she ordered as if expecting then to do it. I mean seriously? Hadrian was brought up by BLOODY SALAZAR SLYTHERIN? Like what?

"I think you'll find your being very rude and no we're not doing magic so leave now." Hadrian said his voice deadly calm but warning and dangerous at the same time.

"How DARE you! I'm Hermione Granger by the way, I'm a muggleborn." she shrieked but at the end she had proudness in her voice.

"I said. Get. Out. Now." Hadrian said losing his patience his face still an emotionless mask. And with that Hadrian flicked his hand and she zoomed into the next compartment of the train. The others were sitting there with their mouths open until he said "You'll catch flies you know."  and they closed them still awe struck. A nervous boy then poked his beard in. This was Neville Longbottom, a pure blood.

"Longbottom isn't it? Come sit." Hadrian said his voice calming but if anyone looked him in the eye like Daphne did they would of seen the calculative look in it. 

"O-o-okay." Neville stammered and thought 'Who cares if they're all Slytherins? These are the first people to accept me for who I am and I will stand by them for that.' he then got into a, at first awkward but soon comfortable, conversation with Theo about plants.

The rest of the ride went swimmingly as they say then all of a sudden the train stopped.

They Had Arrived...

THAT ONE WAS SOOO LONG and i had to rewrite it! Sorting next time! 



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