Chapter 2

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"Other Languages"

It had been a long 7 years since Merlin had brought Hadrian or Rian as Helga called him or Hades as Sal and Ric called him (Salazar and Godric). Those  seven years had been the best seven years of the four founders. Salazar had started calling Harry (Rowena called him that) Snakelet or Little Snake when he was 2 years old they had grown very attached to hades. Sal taught him Potions, Light magic, dark magic ,grey magic,parstelmagic , offence and more about snakes and dragons and (of course) pure blood mask . Ric taught him flying, defence ,transfiguration, charms. Helga taught him Herbology, more about animals, cooking,Art, Dance, Music. Row taught him divination, astronomy, spell craft and about the modern world in his time. Merlin also came round once a week to teach him about his godfathers, what his king of, elements he has and anything hidden. To say that the last seven years had gone well it would be a MASSIVE understatement. Salazar was the Father figure to Hades, Godric was more like an Uncle , Helga and Rowena were both mother figures but Row was Hades' mother and Helga the Group itself. Merlin was just a Grandad or something like that. The had started to teach Hades Occlumency at 4 to keep his magic under control. Salazar had kept him in his quarters most of the time as Harrys' is next to his room. Sal also taught him 'THE SLYTHERIN MASK' or 'Perfect Pureblood mask' and how to treat his betrothed (Daphne not Astoria by the way!) .  His best subjects were   : Transfiguration, Charms, Spellcraft, Partelmagic and by far in everything, he can get his masters, Potions! Hadrian was so excited today because Merlin was going to tell him about why he was thrown away and left at pathetic, stupid, useless muggles. 

"SAL!Merlins here! Can we go yet?!" came the cry of a VERY happy and excited Hadrian Sirius Potter-Black-Slytherin-Gryffindor-Hufflepuff-Ravenclaw-Gaunt-Penderdragon-Evans-Le Fay-Emerys-Riddle-Lestrange-Shadow. 

"HADES! CALM DOWN!" Salazar slytherin called back " YOUR GOING TO MESS UP THE POTION!" you NEVER mess up a potion when your with Slytherin when you can have masters as well. "Fine, Just go but use the mask and your occlumency shields to kill your excitement please." 

"THANKS! okay!" Hades ran so fast out the do- no wait he turned into a snake a slithered to and through the door.

"MERLIN!" he said failing terribly at his mask and shields. 

"Harry!" Merlin said "Now, we do have important things to do."

"Yes, the story of the rebounding curse!" Harry said calming down now.

"It all starts with a Prophecy. Well, two. The one that Rowena did and one that Dumbledore paid someone to twist and 'predict' to him and his order." Merlin then turned to Row and said "Rowena, if you will."

Row took a deep breath and repeated the same prophecy that she could never figure out

 " The one from the shadows shall rise with his loved one, 

he shall be taught by the greatest five 

and will be able to tell the right from the real wrong and  shall set things right in there names. 

He shall  take those not understood and  help them and fight for what is right and not is wrong.

Creative and Destruction live in his mind and hands."

"So... I'm the shadow, you are the greatest five and my loved one is my betrothed. The wrong is dumb-as-a-door and right is that man who did the killing curse on me." said Hadrian slowly

"Yes. But there was a mistake when he tried to kill you. They thought it was your brother. And Dumbldore did imperio on The man whose name was Tom Marvolo Riddle AKA Lord Voldemort, Dumbledore made Voldemort seem like a killing machine to get him loved and famous for defeating the 'third dark lord' because people thing he killed the 'second dark lord' who was also i mperioed by dumbledore."

"Wait who was the first dark lord?" Hades asked 

"Salazar." Merlin said "He made it look like the four founders had a big fight and godric and Salazar fought and Salazar fled after making a chamber to kill all muggle-borns. But Salazar and Godric were Best Friends and though Salazar did make a chamber he said protect the school from evil threats." 

"That's Crazy." Hadrian said 

"Yes, it is now off to bed!" Said Helga 

"But, Hel-" Hadrian started

"Off to bed now!"

A/N okay ric and sal are besties and ric is married to helga and sal rowena . merlin is married to morgena le fay. And hades goes back in 2 or 1 Chapters i'm not sure yet.

Thanks For the reviews!

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