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"Potter ." Spoke a voice coldly behind the.

"Jonderson," Hadrian spoke just as coldly, not even turning around. "did you need something? I heard you got beaten up pretty badly by some Gryffindors yesterday, I hope you weren't going to ask for my help." 

Mason Jonderson scoffed - He was the current King of Slytherin, 5th year student and a complete asshole, in Hadrian's opinion. 

"As if I, King of Slytherin, would need help from a measly little first year." He sneered 

"Then what did you need, your majesty?" Hadrian spoke, his voice laced with sarcasm, with a bow. 

"You. Me. Slytherin duelling platform 8pm sharp. For the title as King of Slytherin." Mason growled angrily and stalked away.  

"Someone's got anger issues." Whistled Hadrian with a smirk. 

"Shut up, Potter." Daphne snarked and hitting him with a book. 

"Yes, my lady." Hadrian replied cheekily.

"You little bit-" Daphne began but was cut off by Snape arriving with their timetables.

"I do hope there isn't and issue, Potter." Snape sneered. 

"No, Professor." Hadrian said "Oh, and it's Black." he said as Snape turned. As Hadrian began to eat again, Snape stopped - his entire body stiffened with his jaw dropping slightly before he regained his composure and continued to hand out schedules. 

..........................................TIME SKIP TO POTIONS...........................

"Black." an arrogant voice shouted behind him. Hades inwardly groaned -  looks like Sev has spread the news of his last name. 

"Yes, brother dearest?" Hadrian asked with false kindness. 

"Shut up, your not my brother." 

"Unfortunately, I am." 

"I heard your trying to be the new King of the slimy snakes." 

"Not trying, Charlie, will be." Hadrian smirked darkly and looked to the door where Snape walked out. 

As the group walked into Potions class, Hadrian was paired with Neville, who wasn't the best at Potions. 

"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making," he began. He spoke in barely more than a whisper, but they caught every word—like Professor McGonagall, Snape had the gift of keeping a class silent without effort. "As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death—if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach." [Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone]

"Black!" said Snape suddenly. "What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

"The Draught of Living Death, Sir." 

"Malfoy, where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?"

"Stomach of a Goat, Sir."

"What is the difference, Longbottom, between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

"They are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite, Professor." 

 "Well? Why aren't you all copying that down!" Snape snapped to the class of stunned students. " 10 points to Slytherin," Snape said "each." 

Hadrian smirked with pride. Unfortunately, Snape  didn't pick on his brother because he was in his 'Private Lessons' with the Light Lord. 

As he walked to the cupboard to collect the ingredients for him and Neville,  he thought about the duel taking place tonight. Hadrian's lips curled into a cruel smile. Oh he would have Fun. 

............TIME SKIP TO 7:40PM [20MINS BEFORE THE DUEL]..................

Anonymous Pain walked into the common room, the boys excited for the duel (minus Hadrian and Draco) and the girls (minus Daphne) slightly nervous. Meanwhile, the newly crowned Jeweled Trinity [From Young God by vvronii] was inwardly laughing their asses off at how Hades didn't even have to challenge the King. 

They were named the Jeweled Trinity because of their unique eyes;

Daphne had sapphire, royal blue eyes, [i think it's actually stormy grey but idrk]

Draco had sea jasper, silver eyes

and Hades had multicoloured eyes when using spells or normally emerald green or onyx black. 

After grabbing his duelling robes, chucking a few extra wands in his pocket and charming his hair to stay flat. Hadrian stalked out of the room with a confident smirk. This was too easy. 

"So you actually showed up, Potter?I'm surprised, I thought you were too much of a coward to do it."  a sneering voice said confidently. Hades could almost feel the smirk on Jonderson's face. 

"If I hadn't of showed up, then you would've been happy that you still had your throne. However, I did, so wave goodbye to your Crown and Throne - you'll never be seeing them again." Hades replied with a sneer of his own. 

"Shut up, Potter. You think your so high and mighty!" Jonderson's face transformed into one of rage and anger. 

"Looks like your figure won't be the only thing getting damaged; your ego and pride will be too." Hades said with false surprise. 

"To the Platform." Snape's irritated voice announced. 

Walking to the Platform, Hades shot a wink and a smirk at Daphne and Draco. Young Blondie smirked back whilst the Greengrass Heiress wasn't impressed and cracked her knuckles whilst making strangling signs. 

As Mason and Hadrian took their stances, Snape explained the rules to the duel. The main rules were: No killing and no dark or illegal curses. 'Perfect' Hadrian thought as he said dark or illegal curses. 

"Three, Two, One," Snape said whilst creating a magical barrier to defend the spectator. "Begin." he said, barely audible.

"Laglock, Expelliarmus, Stupefy!" Mason shouted 

Hadrian smirked and put up a shield and then shouted 

"Illusio!" Which was a spell that made an illusion of whatever the caster was thinking of, in Hadrian's case - Hadrian running towards him and shooting a stunning spell at him. It only lasted for 30 seconds though. As Real Hades ran behind Mason to shoot a spell as soon as the illusion stopped. When the spelled stopped Fake Hades kept running, then stopped, the image flickered and then he disappeared. 

"Bombarda, Expelliarmaus, Dolor, Stupefy!" Hadrian wordlessly casted, making Mason get launched into the air, disarmed midair, fall on the floor, feel incredible pain and then get stunned. 

Everyone was silent. 

Then someone started clapping.

It was...

sorry, took a few days to write that one, having writers block. the one whom seeks  to ruin it all's true intentions will be revealed! and them as well. also we get an update on some potter backstory. stay tuned! 


Words: 1075

Forgotten Saviour: Year 1 & 2 [DISCONTINUED, IM SORRY]Where stories live. Discover now