Chapter 4

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do not own harry potter jk rowling does blah blah blah 

Hadrian woke up in a very good mood; today was gonna be fun. He was meeting his parents today and his brother. Then he goes to Hogwarts in 2weeks as well. Hadrian goes out for a run at 5 then reads till seven then summons all his stuff with a click of a finger, and turned his finest robes to normal clothes. He puts all his daggers and swords as well as some of his books, the founder's journals and his own book away and by 11 he is showered, fresh and packed. At 11:30 there was a knock on the door and a shout of "BOY! GET THE DOOR!" so hadrian went to the doors to come face to face with his parents: Lily Potter who had green eyes a shade darker than his, red hair and a pale but healthy skin tone. James Potter who had hazel eyes, jet black and a light mixed skin tone. 

"Hello, Harry." Lily said. Hadrian turned to her.

"Hadrian" He corrected

"Anyway, Hadrian come with us to meet your heroic  brother, saviour of the wizarding world!" James said proudly "Now, we'll be using quite a unusual fashion of travelling. I assure you it is perfectly safe though."He continued

"I assume you mean apparate and in that case it is not safe you can splinch yourself and lose body parts." Hadrian said bored already. He ignored their stunned looks and walked over to lily stiffening as she touched his hand. They apparated to the leaky cauldron. Looking at there looks finally he said "I have a edict memory."

"Well that makes this easier! We don't have to explain why weird things happened when you got angry or scared." James said happily

"I learnt to control my magic at the age of 6 and when i did have magical outbursts... well let's say 'things' happened..." Hadrian said. He actually stopped having magical outbursts when he was 4 but no one needs to know that.

"That's... impressive." Lily said stunned and James was speechless! Charles had learned a week ago...

"Anyway, why are we here should we not go to Potter manor?" Hadrian asks confused why isn't he at Potter Manor unless...

"Oh! We didn't want to overwhelm you with how big it is. So, we will be here for a few days Charles is in his room with his friend, Ronald Weasley and we are going to meet up with the rest of the Weasleys and then go to Gringotts." James said snapping out of his shock 

"Okay well I shall be going now. Oh and before i forget I need to claim my Heriship." Hadrian said    knowing they probably gave it to Charles. "I bid you Goodnight!"

As soon as he left James turned to Lily and said "He doesn't know we changed the heriship to Charles..." James jumped up and ran to grab his coat and shoes then kissed his wife and went to Gringotts to change the Heriship before Hadrian gets annoyed and leaves or something like that.

He entered Gringotts and said to Griphook, his account manager, I would like to change my heir from Charles James Potter To Hadrian Sirius Potter." he states 

"Lord Potter you have changed it once so you can only change it once more unless you disown your heir." Griphook states grinning evilly.

"My decision is Final." James says after a moment of thought thinking he will probably go to Padfo- No Black if he disowned him. So it is fine.

"Sign here with this blood quill." 

James signed it and magic circles him.

599 words if you don't count the note at the end! They go on train next chapter then HOGWARTS AHOY in chapter 6! Thanks for the reviews!

littlemalfoy33 signing off! 

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