December 2nd 2021, 10:56 p.m *finished December 3rd 2021, 1:44 p.m)
Woah its been a minute 👁👁 so basically.
I'm officially in love. He's not leaving whatsoever.
I love him so much. My lover bro 🥰 js mh
I'd show but ion want no one else to have the picture LMAO.I hate posting him because then the stuff only I have everyone else can see. Like no get your own lightskin 😾😾😾
I really dont have time to have doubt because he shows that he loves me every day. There's never that question of "I wonder if he actually loves me" because he shows it. Every test of actual love is passed.
I'm happy. With him I'm happy.
I have finals and big projects coming up and its stressing me out a bit. I really don't have a chance to fall in on myself because he comes and holds me up.
My mom on my ass about biology (if anyone is willing to help me please lmk🙁) my dad is working again because what he was doing wasn't working out. He takes night shifts so he can be home during the day but its not like he's truly here because he sleeps all day.
I need to sell some more painting so I can buy more painting stuff. So many things on top of things man.
But being with Mar is like my little corner to ball up in and relax. I still have things to do but it doesn't feel so hard when I have him.
I love you hubs <3