Chapter One

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"You hurry now, before I leave without you" I scold down at Draco, who's just about to re-tie his shoes for the 100th time.

He chuckles. He just chuckles, that idiot.
Our Potions class is going to start in a few minutes and instead of sitting there, I am right here. Here with Draco Malfoy who doesn't know how to tie his shoelaces properly.

Many more moments pass of him having the tempo of a literal snail.
"For Gods Sake Draco, you're going to be the very death of me-" But he cuts me off with abruptly jumping onto his feet, taking my hand and pulling me out of the Slytherin common room as if  I was the dawdling one.

Before I can even realise, we are already out and he intertwines his fingers with mine. 

We run up the stairs, because the Slytherin house really had to be in the lowest of dungeons and enter trough the corridors.

Of course we catch a few weird glimpses of students in the corridors.I notice a few girls eyeing me threateningly.

Really. It wasn't my fault Draco didn't want to have anything to do with them. I even tried talking him into finally giving anyone a chance, yet he never listened.

Yet, I still can't quite say Draco isn't the reason for my bad luck in the whole dating thing... Everyone had known we were friends. Everyone had known, because my best friend had to be Draco Malfoy.

Well, him being around me just about every second of the day, really did cause everyone to think I wasn't available anymore. As often as I tried to explain, that Draco was just my friend. None of the boys I found attractive, would even glance anywhere near my way.

I had really already tried to talk to a few boys but ended up getting rejected. Very humiliatingly tough rejected...

This one Ravenclaw boy I found kind of cute, wouldn't even look me in the eyes when I came up to him. The other One, the Hufflepuff One just simply walked away when the only thing I did, was smile at him...

I honestly couldn't have been that bad, could I?

Draco and I finally come to an halt and enter the Potions classroom.
They already begun.

"Ah" Professor Slughorn turns to us.
"Mr Malfoy and Ms Jacobs, thank you for then finally deciding to join us" He mocks us with that one particular tone, I had already gotten very used to.

Every student goes quiet to watch us, which makes the whole thing just a little more awkward than it has to be.

I suddenly feel Dracos hand squeeze mine. But I honestly forgot we were still holding hands. And when my eyes decide to wander around the room, I suddenly find everyones gaze at Dracos and my intertwined fingers.

I quickly let go of his hand. We mustn't give the others any more false ideas of me and my best friend. Because that was what he was.. My best friend.

I see his head turning to me from the angle. I simply ignore it.

When we search for free seats, the only ones we find are one next to a few Gryffindors and the other one next to.... Pansy Parkinson.

I look at Draco and he seems to realise in the same second as I do. Eye-widened, he turns to me. I see him opening his mouth to say something, but before he is even able to, I as quick as I can, say :
"You take the one next to Parkinson" and hurry off to the opposite end of the classroom. To the Gryffindors.

To my luck I realise that the free seat is next to no others than Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.
I exhale relieved. "Hey" I say, taking the seat.

I wasn't exactly friends with them, yet we still got to talk a few times. "Oh hey Evangeline" Harry smiles and Ron nods.
I instantly feel welcome.

When I look over to Draco, I almost let out a snort at the sight.
Parkinson already attacked. It wasn't hard to see trough her put on puppy eyes. Actually Draco and I were always laughing about them. Pansy Parkinson was one of Dracos admirers. The biggest and most annoying one to be exact.

On some days Draco and I kept laughing and laughing about her extreme clinginess towards my best friend.
Really, it had gotten utterly ridiculous at some points. One day Parkinson had drunken some ill-making potion, just so she could ask Draco to take care of her. Guess what. He didn't. Which I actually found kind of mean. I didn't mention it.

When suddenly her fingers start to fumble around with Dracos hair, I let out a snort.
He must have heard it, because then his eyes find mine and I can't stop grinning at the sight before me.
He looks unbelievably lost.

I can hear Parkinsons squeaky voice from the other end of the room. Her fingers continue to play with his hair. But instead of all the amusement I had just felt, a pang of weirdness overcomes me. I know exactly how these strands of whiteish-blonde hair feel under my fingertips.
She's ruining his beautiful mane.

I continue to chuckle at him and his expression, which is clearly sending me an outright 'Fuck you'

I shake my head grinningly and set my eyes onto Harry again. He and Ron seem to work on a potion, I then decided to help them with...

Me and the boys had worked really good together and I would never have expected to have this much fun with them. Actually they were pretty funny. They were cool. I should have been around them more often.

I did feel Dracos eyes on me a few times, whenever I laughed at something Harry had said. But I didn't return the gaze. He had to get along with that. Just because he hated Harry Potter, didn't mean I did.

Potions did go by very quickly and I was now about to gather my things, when I suddenly feel someone tugging me back. Draco.

"What is it?" I ask and he frowns.
"Are you friends with him now?
"What?" I raise a confused brow.

"You and Potter" He answers, and by the way I can read it from his eyes, he is just being genuinely curious.

"Yes, I guess. He's pretty nice" I shrug my shoulders. "Really?" He says.
"Don't you remember the way he wiped my friendship off like it was some filthy dirt?" I start to grin.

"Oh Draco. Get over it. Both of us know you were being a little git on the first day. But you're a big boy..." I pat his chest " can handle rejections"

I see pure horror written on his face after the word 'Rejection', so I leave before he gets to respond.

"Hey! Wait! What do you mean by rejection?!" I hear him call behind me. "You know exactly what I mean!" I call back amused, and leave as quick as I possibly am able to.

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