When the three of us pass the dark-lit floors, the great hall comes into sight and so does it's music into tune.
I look at my two friends. We smile at each other and so enter the enormous hall, we can't even recognise anymore.
I gasp. I gasp and so do Pansy and Daphne.
The view is beyond all worlds. The hall is all decorated, reaching to every spot and into every single corner. Lights aren't hung like you would have seen them in the Muggle world. They are floating. Floating in the middle of the room and illuminating the area in their own way.
At the spot you'd actually see the tables and the professors sitting, now stands a huge shining Christmas tree, with a yellow blinking star on top.
The room takes on a blue-ish white-ish tone, with the snow outside making it even more beautiful.
Students had seemingly already found their partners. Some are dancing..being spun around. Others are chatting and taking a few of the drinks, making clinking glasses audible.
Tables and buffets are standing at the sides, yet leaving enough space for the dance floor to fill. And it is filled.
I spot Ron Weasley currently leading Hermione Granger onto the floor and Ismile at them. Then I see Harry and Ginny. As if he'd seen my eyes on him, he looks at me from the end of the room. I grin wide. As wide as I can and he does return it even wider.
I see many more familiar faces but decide to focus only on myself.
"So many couples." Pansy mutters.
"So many dates." Daphne joins."Oh come on, it's going to be fun."
So, I pull both of them by their arms and towards the huge dance floor.We laugh and chat. Swing around and spin. I enjoy the time with my best friends. I do.
But as time passes, I get slower. I drain off happiness, and let my gaze go around the hall.
No Astoria. No Draco.If they weren't here, where were they-
"Oh my god." Daphne suddenly breathes.
Pansy and I follow her gaze.
And there we see Astoria Greengrass storming trough the entrance. Just not a normal sight it is. Her entire cheeks are mascara covered and they look wet. So I recognise, as she moves towards us. She had cried. She was crying.Then she reaches us. Reaches her sister. She was her sister after all. "Daphne, he-" She almost looks like in agony.
"What happened?" Daphne asks her and then Astoria seems to notice me standing there."You" She whispers. "What?"
"It's all your fucking fault!" She nearly yells."Jeez" Pansy mumbles.
"What-What do you mean, Astoria?! Where is he? Where is Draco?" Astoria doesn't say anything. She stares death-glaringly at us.
Then she clenches her teeth. "Astoria!"
"In the courtyard, okay?!"Then she spins on her heels and leaves. As fast as she can. I look at Pansy and Daphne again.
"Go and get your man." Pansy says and so I'm off...
I scurry down the corridors, the clicking of my heels loudly echoing from the marble stone floor beneath me. I walk as fast as I can, only wanting one single thing. Not my friend. Not my best friend.
Draco...Only Draco.I nearly run, and so I almost reach the snow covered courtyard, immediately finding this one person standing there, whom my heart aches so dearly for.

Just Friends || Draco Malfoy✔️
Fanfiction( short story ) Lifelong best friends.. That was what Evangeline Jacobs and Draco Malfoy had always been. And only that.. Even if everyone else had seen it differently... [Dandelions by Ruth B]