family matters

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You stood in the entryway to the Hollands family home, Harry's arm around you as he introduced you to his mother and younger brother. “It's so nice to finally meet you Y/N, we have heard so much about you,” Niki exclaimed.
“It's nice to meet you too,” You expressed, a budding nervous feeling washing over you meeting the family your child was being born into.
“And this is paddy,” Harry said, gesturing to the youngest Holland.
“Hi,” he told you, extending his hand. You gladly took it, shaking it. “Harry wasn't lying, you are hot,” He said nonchalantly.
“Paddy!” Nikki exclaimed, smacking him on the back of the head.
“Ow, what?! He's bringing her home. I figured they were dating or something,” he explained as you stood there with bright red cheeks.
“Oh my god paddy,” Harry groaned, shaking his head. “She's not my girlfriend,” He explained.
“So she's single?” Paddy asked with raised eyebrows.
“And about six years to old for you,” Niki scolded.
“Is dad here?” Harry asked, changing the subject.
Niki shook her head and glanced down at her watch, “He and Tom went to golf, but they should be getting back within the hour,” She told him. “Stay for lunch?” She asked eagerly.
“Yeah, I think we can stay for a bit,” Harry said, glancing at you. You nodded with a smile on your face and he squeezed your shoulders tighter.
“Perfect, I'll start the food. Paddy go set the table for me,” Niki instructed the youngest Holland as they disappeared from the entryway.
“Come on, I'll show you around ,” Harry said, letting go of you and walking towards a flight of stairs.

Harry spent the next hour dragging you around his childhood home and telling you stories from his younger years. You're sure he would have continued if his father hadn't gotten home.
“Is Harry here?” a loud voice called as the two of you were sitting in the garden.
Harry looked up from where he had been focused on a set of painted stones that lined the walkway. “I'm sorry if this gets awkward or the tension gets too much,” He said as he stood up, offering out his hand to you.
“Oh,” Was all you could get out before two men came barreling out towards Harry.
“Baz!” The younger one who you knew was tom, you had just yet to meet him, came barreling forward wrapping his arms around him and sending you stumbling back a few steps.
“Hey, hey, Careful,” Harry said, as he turned around to see you standing there completely fine. “This is my friend Y/n” Harry said, gesturing to you.
“Friend?” Tom asked as he reached out shaking your hand.
“Yes Tom, friend,” Harry scoffed.
“It's nice to meet you y/N,” Tom said, letting go of your hand. Harry's father who had stopped before getting to you guys before to fix something in the yard finished making his way over.
“What brings you home? Ever since you moved out we don't see ya,” he said, making Harry roll his eyes.
“Dad this is y/n,” Harry said ignoring his dad's question.
“Pleasure y/n, im Dom,” He told you as he extended his hand to shake yours.
“Pleasure is mine,” You said sweetly, making Tom raise his eyebrows.
“This one polite? That's a nice change,” Dom said, you furrowed your brows in confusion at the comment.
“Dad!” Harry exclaimed.
“What?” Dom asked like he had done nothing wrong.
“Come on Y/N,” Harry said, grabbing your hand, and leading you away from his older brother and father, but not before you could overhear them.
“You can't just compare them, dad!” Tom scolded.
“I don't see the big deal,” Dom said.
Harry pulled you inside behind him just in time for lunch to be finished. “Foods done,” Niki announced with a smile as she saw the two of you in the doorway.

You all sat at the oval table eating the food niki prepared as there was light conversation being shared. Niki had busted out the wine in honor of a new guest joining them, and you had to politely decline. Prompting Harry to clear his throat loudly. You turned your attention to him, noticing as everyone else did the same. “I actually have something I need to tell you guys,” Harry said, looking back and forth between his family members who didn't know. Of course Sam wasn't there, but Harry had told him the day he found out and made him swear to keep it a secret.
“What is it, love?” Niki asked, looking concerned.
“Yeah son, spit it out,” Dom said.
“Well, uh, Y/N is pregnant,” Harry said, making you cringe instantly wishing he had led with anything else.
Niki looked at Harry puzzled for a moment, “Oh?” She asked.
“With my baby,” Harry blurted.
You watched as his words registered in her mind and her face went from confusion to shock and then back to confusion. “I'm not sure I understand,” She admitted.
“Well I'll tell ya what, they done it and our boy wasn't careful,” Dom said.
“That's not what I meant dear,” Niki said sweetly, before turning her attention to her son. “You are not dating?” she asked.
“No,” Harry said.
“Were you?” Paddy asked.
“No you div, they had drunk sex,” Tom whispered loudly.
“Drunk sex?” Dom laughed. “Of course,”
“Domonic,” NIki scolded. He shrugged his shoulders before quieting down.”So what does this mean?”
“Well, Y/N moved in with me, and we are going to do this together, but not together,” He explained.
She nodded her head, obviously still a little dumbfounded. “Ok,” She said.
“OK?” Harry asked.
“Yes, you're an adult, and this is your life, seems a bit odd to me, but i will love the baby regardless,” She admitted.
Harry let out a breath of relief, “Do you want to see pictures?”

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