on the topic of JR

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The weeks that followed the dinner fiasco were some of the most odd of your life, and that was saying something. Sundays, which had been spent with the Hollands almost religiously, became a day of relaxation and laziness, neither you or Harry wanting to do anything before the start of a new week, though you're sure you both had your separate reasons.

Niki swung by a few times during the few weeks for quick visits and to offer a multitude of apologies on her husband's behalf even though everyone had assured her she didn't need to do that.

Sam had gone back to school shortly after the whole thing had transpired and Tom had left for the states for a new project he was working on, leaving the impromptu visits to just Paddy, Harrison and tuwaine. But even with the three of them visiting often, things still seemed rather lonely.

You watched as the phone on the counter lit up again with Harry's father's contact. It had been two months since the Ill fated dinner party, and Harry had not spoken to his dad since. It broke your heart knowing there was a wedge between them when there didn't need to be, and you couldn't help but feel a bit responsible for it. "Har," you called out to where he was sitting in the living room working on his newest project.

"Hmm love? You call me?" He asked as he took one of his airpods out and turned his attention to you.

"Your dad is calling again," you motioned towards his phone knowing he wasn't going to pick it up.

"Let it ring," he said before going back to his work.

You nodded, before grabbing your own phone to shoot a text to the only person you had been able to talk to about all of this stuff.

Y/n: still won't answer...

You rubbed the phone against your chin as you waited for the ping and vibration of a response.

Sam: he'll come around, give him time

You frowned at that, you knew logically that things would eventually get better but you couldn't help the feeling of wanting to speed things up.

Y/n: the baby is due in six weeks, Sam... I don't want them estranged for that..

The next response came quicker than the first.

Sam: he will come around before that, I promise.

You took a deep breath as you glanced at Harry buried in his work, you hoped Sam was right.

Yn: I hope so.. I just feel like this is all my fault.

Sam: don't. Don't put this on yourself, he was an asshole and he deserves the silent treatment Harry is giving him.

You rolled your eyes not stopping the chuckle that left your mouth.

Y/n: I just don't want Harry to miss out on having his dad around after the baby is born, you know. For support.

Sam: he'll come around love, I promise you.

Sam: Actually, on the topic of Jr.

You groaned as you read the nickname Harry's twin had adopted to calling your unborn child.

Y/n. Sam, quit calling your nephew Jr.

He ignored that text entirely.

Sam: ANYWAY, I'm coming back to town in a few days, probably going to be staying a while.

Your eyes grew wide at the surprise, you had not known he had planned on returning home until the holiday.

Y/n: you want me to fix up my old room for you? I moved into Harry's so it's empty if you want to stay.

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