Chapter 3: Anthony's POV

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Anthony's POV

The air smelled of fresh blood and burning flesh. We carefully stepped over the dead bodies on the ground, making sure we didn’t make any noise so those creatures wouldn’t come back. I was walking in the back with Victoria and Hector while Holli lead us to safety. On the outside I was fine, but on the inside I was freaking out. A million questions ran through my mind as I walked.

‘What are those things?’ ‘How did they even get here?’ ‘Are we gonna live to see tomorrow?’ Oh god! What about My mom and…and Manny? Are they still alive? God, I sure hope so. But…what if….. “Anthony?”  My head snapped up as I was pulled out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Victoria staring at me intently. “Huh?” I said. “Are you okay?” she asked. “You looked like you were gonna cry,”  

I plastered on the fakest smile I could muster. “Yeah.  I’m fine,”   She smiled back at me at me and stared straight ahead. I dropped the fake smile and scratched the back of my neck. I was gonna have to let those thoughts go and focus on staying alive. I must’ve not been paying attention because I tripped over something (a dead body, I think and almost fell. “Hey!” I said, turning around.

The “dead body” that I tripped over turned out to be just a rusty old crowbar. I picked it up and examined it. It looked a little old and worn out, but it still had some good use to it. I tucked it inside my jacket, just in case we ran into those…things again, and was about to go join the group again when I heard a loud shriek. A low hissing noise followed after it.


I turned around. Everybody had stopped walking and was frozen.  I could barely make out what they were staring at. I pushed my way to the front, right next to Holli. About thirty feet away stood a young lady and her son who looked about six. The lizard/snake human creature was a few feet away from them. The lady looked really scared. "Please!" she screamed.

"Please! Don't hurt us!" The lizard creature looked from the lady to her son and flicked out it's tounge, as if it was licking it's scaly lips. It took a step closer as the lady and her son took a step back.

"Please," she pleaded. "You. You can take me just....don't hurt my son." she fell to her knees with her head in her hands as she sobbed. "Please..." she whispered. She looked up and grabbed her son in her arms. She then muttered some words in Spanish to his ear. He nodded, understanding. She let him go and stood up. He took a few steps back. "I love you, Mijo" she said.

The lizard creature took this as it's chance and seized the woman. It tackled her to the ground and dribbled it's acid saliva all over her. She screamed in pain and agony. Laura covered her mouth. The lady's son watched his mom get mauled as he cried.

The creature screeched and started tearing the flesh off the woman's face. The son cried even harder. He was too busy wiping away his tears to notice that a tail crept up behind him. It looked like the creature's tail. It crept down to his legs and grabbed his ankle. The boy looked down and before he knew what was happening, he fell down, face first.

 He started screaming and crying. Tears flowed out of his eyes and down his bloody face. The creature's tail began to drag the boy away. "NO!!" he screamed. "NO!" . Before he was out of sight, he turned and looked at us. His eyes lingered on all of our faces and stopped at mine. He looked me dead in the eye with an pained expression on his face. He mouthed something to me before the creature dragged him away.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I could only watch as the creature ate what was left of the woman while I tried to figure out what the boy was trying to say. It looked like he said "Go," but I know he didn't. Another lizard creature came from around the corner and stopped in front of us. Then everything moved in slow motion."ANTHONY!!"  I heard someone scream.

Everything I that moment would stick with me for the rest of  my life. I stared into the creature's cold, icy snake-like eyes. It's face didn't show any emotion, except for maybe hunger. It licked it's lips and let out a loud hissing noise. I tried to turn and run but my legs wouldn't work. All I could do was stand there and stand into it's eyes. Then, suddenly, everything came rushing back in a second. I felt someone grab my arm. "Anthony, let's go." Summer said, fiercely.

She dragged me along and my legs suddenly started working again and we started running side-by-side with the others. It was now when i realized what the boy said. He said "Run,"


We ran and ran and ran with those creatures hot on our tails. About 30 feet away I saw the abandoned house come into view. "Hurry!" I heard Hector yell. We ran fast and hard but, no matter what they always caught up to us. I realized a little too late that we weren't gonna make it. That's when i realized that i still had the crowbar inside my jacket.

I stopped in my tracks and turned to face them. "ANTHONY!!" Holli screamed. I took the crowbar out of my jacket and gripped it in my hand. It's scaly eyes raked over my body hungrily (not in a dirty way :D).  I took a step towards it. It licked it's scaly lips. I ran with the crowbar and took a big swing. I knocked the lizard creature in it's face. It turned it's head for a moment and then turned back to face me.

It's tail knocked the crowbar out my hand and pinned me to the ground. I tried to get up but ,god, was it heavy. It opened it's mouth and a  droplet of it's acid saliva dripped out and plopped onto my collarbone. It burned like hell! But right now I had to focus on not getting eaten.

I tried pushing it off me but, that was an epic fail. So, I did what any other normal person would've done if they were getting jumped: I punched it. It's head jerked upward as it screamed. I unballed my fist and shook me hand. It felt like I had a few broken knuckles, but I couldn't stop now.

When I brought my fist back up for another swing it's tail gripped my wrist. I tried to yank my hand back but it had my in a death grip. It opened it's mouth larger and wider so I could see a long row of sharp predator teeth. There was no use in fighting back.

 So I closed my eyes and braced myself to be eaten when I heard the sound of a sword slicing through the air and the lizard creature rolling off me. I opened one eye and expected to be standing in front of huge golden gates on fluffy white clouds while angelic music played in the background but, was surprised to see a girl standing there.

She had a katana in one hand that was smothered in black goo. Her free hand was held out in front of my face. I opened my other eye and took in her full appearance. She had on dark jeans that rested on her hips perfectly and a beige spaghetti strap shirt that was covered with blood and dirt.

Her eyes were a soft hazel color, the kind that could put you in  trance. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her lips were in a straight line. "Are you okay?" she asked. I blinked. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing would come out. All I could do was lie there, trying to process what just happened.


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