Chapter 6: Finn's POV

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  • Dedicated to istalkbtr1010

Finn's POV

As soon as Alicia lead us to our hideout I headed straight for my room.

My door was wide open and as soon as I got inside I closed it behind me.

I flopped on my un made bed and closed my eyes. I was tired from roaming around and looking for survivors.

I reached my hand out to grab my IPod from the dresser.

I opened my eyes when I realized that it wasn't there. I sat up and began to look for it.

I basically tore my room apart looking for that thing.

"Where the hell is it?" I muttered.

I heard the door open and close and Alicia's frantic voice.

Alex must be home.

I continued to search for my IPod until I finally gave up.

I flopped on my bed again, and rubbed my face. I sighed in frustration.

Where did I put it? I heard some footsteps walk by my room and down the hall

. Hey, maybe Alex knows.

I got up and went to his room.

The door was wide open, but he wasnt in it

. Where is he? I heard voices come from the bathroom. I walked down the hallway and stopped at the door.

I heard Alex wince. I guessed that he was in pain and opened the door. "Hey Alex, have you seen my-" I stopped midsentence when i saw that Alex wasnt alone.

A girl with long dark hair was in the same room with him. Their bodies were close together and, in fact, it looked like they were gonna kiss if i hadnt interrupted.

I just stood there, shocked as they began to back away from each other.

"I,uh,have to go." the girl stated and left. "Wait!" Alex called after her. She didnt turn around. Alex turned to me with an annoyed expression. "Dude, that was not cool." he said, picking up his shirt off the floor

I just stood there, scratching the back of my head. I do kinda feel bad that i just ruined their little moment but, thats not the point.

"I'm soory but, i was just wondering if you saw my IPod." i said. He left out of the bathroom. "No.I havent." he called over his shoulder.

I sighed and went back to my room, only to find a girl standing in the middle of my room with something in her hands. I walked in a little bit, enough to see that she has my picture of my me when i was younger.

I was about three when i had that picture taken. I was at my cousin Sarah's cookout and i had gotten barbeque sauce all over my face,hands and clothes.

My mom thought that i looked so cute like that and decided to take a picture of me. I still smile about till this day. I walked up behind her and let out a small sigh.

She jumped, almost dropping the picture in the process, and turned around. God, she was so beautiful.

The way her red hair curled by her ears, her green eyes that glow whenever she's happy. Ever since i've laid my eyes on her, i have fallen for her looks.

She looked startled. "I, I, uh, you, scared, uh," she stuttered. I chuckled at her. She was so cute. "I didnt look through anything." she finally said.

I chuckled again. "It's okay." I took the picture from her and sat it down on my nightstand and sat on my bed. I looked up at her.

She was just standing there awkwardly, unsure of what to do. I smiled at her, assuring her that it was okay.

She gave me a weak smile back and sat down on the bed next to me.

There was a long pause of silence before she finally said "I'm sorry for trespassing. I didnt mean to look like a creep or anything, its just that i, uh, came to give you this." she handed me my IPod.

I took it from her. "You dropped it when you came in." she explained. "Thanks." I said.

She smiled at me. "You're welcome, Finn." We sat there in silence until she finally said "You looked so cute as a baby."

I smiled at her."Thanks." "So,uh, sorry if this is random but...where are your parents? I mean you and Alicia don't live alone, do you?"

My body stiffened at the mention of my parents.

My parents. My hand shook as the dark images flashed through my mind. "Finn?" She asked, putting her hand over top of mine.

My hand stopped shaking and I looked at her.

Her eyebrows creased and her lips were in a frown. "Is something wrong?"

I shook my head and pulled my hand away from hers. Her frown deepened as I stood up and walked over to the wall.

I closed my eyes. The dark imagines flashed repeatedly and it seemed as though they would never stop. I heard the girl stand up from my bed.

"Finn," she said. But I didnt hear her. I clenched my fists as the images grew more violent. Images of my parents.


I ran and hid behind the sofa. Crouching down i tried to muffle a laugh.

"8...9...10!!!!! READY OR NOT, HERE I COMES!!"

I heard heavy footsteps running across the floor. "Finny!!!" I put a hand over my mouth to keep from laughing.

I heard feet round the corner and Alicia screaming in my ear "I's found you, Finny!!" she then tapped my shoulder and ran away.

"You're it!" I got up from behind the sofa and began to chase Alicia around the room. The air was filled with our  screams and laughter.

A happy time. I tackled Alicia to the ground. She fell down with me on top of her. "I got you Leesha." I said. She howled with laughter as i rolled off of her.

When the laughter died down we were lying down next to her, breathing hard. When our breathing slowed down to normal it was dead silent. Which is weird.... "Dad!"

i called. No answer. Which is also weird because Dad would always respond back.

He was only a few doors away. And to make matters worse, he was NEVER this quiet.

Slowly i got up from the floor and made my way over towards Dad's room. "Finny?" Alicia said.

I turned around. She was now sitting up with a concerned look on her face.

I gave her a reassuring smile."I'll be back Leesha, okay?" she nodded, smiling and went to go watch tv.

I continued to make my way over towards Dad's room. "Dad?" i called again, a little scared.

I stopped at his door and knocked. No answer. I slowly pushed the door open. "Dad...." I said.

Flashback over:

I squeezed my eyes shut, blocking out the memories. I bit my bottom lips as tears began to roll down my face. I felt a hand on my arm. "Finn?" I opened my eyes to become face to face with the girl. She looked concerned. "Are you okay?" she asked. Her eyes showed alot of emotions. Refusing to answer her i turned and left the room.

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