Chapter 7: Alex's POV

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Alex's POV

After Finn ruined that little moment that I had, I finished cleaning up my cuts and went back into my room. I put on a tight gray T-shirt and some dark jeans.

I couldnt get that girl from th bathroom out of my head though. The way her dark curly hair flowed down her back, the way her jeans rest perfectly on her hips, the way her fingers gently brushed against my skin.

It sent butterflies through my stomach and left my head spinning ( I know that sounds girly but it's just how I felt).

I needed to know her name. I walked out of my room and into the living room where everyone was gathered and sociallizing.

Not everyone was happy though. Finn was sitting in the od brown recliner with his head down, not speaking at all.

The girl with the red hair in a pixie hairstyle was sitting down in the corner, trying hard not to cry.

I saw Alicia sitting in the blue sofa riht next to a guy with long, dark curly hair. I looked around for the girl who had tried to clean my cuts, but I couldnt find her anywhere. "Alex!" Alicia called from where she was at. I looked at her.

She was laughing and motioning for my to come over but I simply shook my head. She frowned and turned back to the guy.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. A girl with short blond hair frowned at me. "Who are you lookin for?" she asked.

She had a drink in one hand as her green eyes stared intensely at me. I started to get uncomfortable. I coughed. "Um, nobody."

She cocked one hip. "Don't lie. I know you were looking for somebody. You cant be looking for nobody." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"Fine. Fine, I was looking for somebody if you must know." She smiled at me and then looked at Alicia and the curly haired guy.

Her eyebrows furrowed as her lips frowned.

She gripped the drink in her hand. She looked pissed.

Her eyes were specifically pointed at Alicia. Was she...jealous? "Is that your boyfriend?" I ask.

Her eyes snapped back to me. She must've been startled by my question. "Uh....what?" "Is that your boyfriend?" I repeat. "Who Anthony? No." she answers.

"I wish though," she adds quietly. I dont think that I was meant to hear that but I did.

"So, uh, who were you looking for?" she asks. I shrug. "Come on! You can trust me," she says. I dont know if it was the glint in her eyes or the sincerity in her voice but I believed her.

"She has dark curly hair that flows down her back, dark brown eyes, african-american.... I dont know her name though." I tell her. "You mean Laura?"

she asks with curiosity and a little excitement. "Yeah," I answer. She grabs my hand and drags me into the kitchen where the girl -Laura- was raiding ou refridgerator.

"Have fun!" she says winking. "Thanks....." "Summer," she puts in for me and walks off.

I walk up right next to the refridgerator. She has her head inside, searching for something to eat I guess. "Hey," I said startling her.

She pops out of the fridge with a cupcake in one hand and a capri sun in the other. She looked like she had just been caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

When she finds out that it's just me she continues to look through the fridge. "What are you doing here?" she asks. I chuckled. "Uh, I live here."

She closes the fridge and sits down at the kitchen table. "What do you want, then?" she asks.

I walk over and sit down next to her. I wipe up some frosting off the cupcake with my finger. I sucked off the frosting and leaned in close.

"You," I answer. I can hear her breathing speed up faster but she covers it up by huffing and walking over to the sink.

She puts the straw in her capri sun and takes a sip. "Look," I say. "I really like you, and I-" she cuts me off. "You don't even know me."

"But I would like to take the time to," I say, standing up.

A small smile tugs at her lips--but only for a second. Its replaced by a frown.

Her eyebrows are furrowed and she looks pissed. "Look, Alex, just because I offered to clean your cuts doesn't mean that I like you or anything so just stop." I smirked.

"So, you like me,huh?" Her eyes are wide and she starts stuttering. "Wha-? NO! No, I, Uh, no. I dont." I could tell she was lying but didn't say anything about it.

"Right," I say. "I'll see you later, Laura." I turn around and head back into the living room.

Everyone was huddled up around the blue sofa watching a movie on the TV. I looked at the screen and saw instantly that it was Wreck It Ralph.

"I dont know, why are you so freakishly annoying?" Ralph asks Vanellope. I always thought that she was cute and adorable.

I stayed and watched the movie for a little while (Laura came in and sat down next to Summer) that is, until I realized that Finn wasn't here.

"Where's Finn?" I whispered to Alicia.

She jerked her head towards the hallway, indicating that he was in his room. I slowly got up and silently sneaked out of the room like a ninja.

Finn's door was wide open, with him flopped on the bed, eyes closed.

I wasn't sure if he was breathing or not so I walked over, leaned down in his ear, and screamed "HEY FINN, ARE YOU DEAD?!?!" He shot up so fast that he fell off his bed.

He gripped the bedsheets for support of getting up while I stood there, laughing my ass off. "Alex, you scared the hell outta me!" He said, sitting on the bed. "Sorry," I said.

"So, why aren't you out there with everyone else watching the movie?" He shrugged, turning away from me. "I don't know. I just didn't want to." I squinted my eyes at him.

Something told me that something wad up with him. "What's wrong?" "Nothing." I kept bugging him and bugging him until he spilled. My jaw dropped. "Really?" "Yeah," he said. "Don't tell anyone." "I won't" I told him.

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