Chapter 1:Jasmin's POV

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Jasmin's POV

My feet pounded on the asphalt ground below. My breathing was heavy. I started to feel a little lightheaded but I kept on running anyway. I ran and ran. "Come on!" I heard Anthony yell behind me. Bloodcurdling screams filled the air. We ran. I tripped over my feet a couple of times but quickly regained my balance.

The hissing sounds got louder and closer and we ran faster and faster. I heard a spitting sound and a loud yelp. I turned and saw Summer gripping her arm ferociously. I didn't see those creatures behind us so I stopped running and walked over to her. She leaned against the brick wall of a building, a pained expression on her face.

"Summer," I said. Her arm was bleeding a crimson red color. She slid down  the wall and onto the ground, still gripping her arm. Her pale face was dirty and sweaty. She started breathing in and out through clenched teeth. Everyone was crowded around her

. Holli was kneeling beside her. She took one good look at Summer's arm as a worried expression came upon her face. "Does it hurt?" she asked. Summer nodded. Holli was silent for a moment. "We have to take her to the hospital," Holli said at last.

"We can't," Anthony said. "Anthony," Victoria spoke up. "It looks pretty bad. She needs to see a doctor," An annoyed expression filled his face. "We haven't seen a hospital for the last hpur and six minutes that we've been running. And the closest hospital is about two miles from here." I turned to him. "So you just want her to bleed to death?" At first the are you crazy? look came upon his face but then he turned serious.

"First of all, we can't get her to a hospital that far away with those things on our tail. And second, we can't outrun them forever. We have to find a place to hide." He's got a point. If we run to the hospital if those things are chasing us then we'll probably die on the way there. 

A loud hissing noise told us that those things weren't far behind and that they were catching up. "Look," Hector said. "We can't stay here, so it's either we run or get eaten." Me and Holli helped Summer up and we started running again. The hissing noises got closer. "They're catching up!" I yelled. We turned the corner and came face-to-face with an abandoned house. The paint was peeling off the walls, showing the bricks underneath.

The bricks were auburn color and were coming off in chunks. The roof had a tarp draped over it. Dust was hanging off it's edges. The wooden steps looked old and broken down. It looks like this place has been abandoned for years. We heard the sound of feet hitting the ground and we slowly turned around. It was them. Their snake/lizard/human bodies were sleek and curvy.

Their scales glistened in the sun. Their sharp claws were hanging loosely at their sides as their mouths hung open with hunger, showing their knife sharp teeth. They let out low hissing sounds. "Quick!" Patrick said. "Into the house!" We all ran up the steps and busted the door open to the old, abandoned house and slammed the door.

Our loud breathing and wheezing filled the air as we tried to catch our breaths. "Shhhh!" Anthony scolded. We immediatley shut up and listened. Outside the creatures let out low hissing noises. They stayed for a moment before slowly turning and running off. We all let out a sigh of relief. I collapsed into a old chair, which puffed up with dust as i sat down. I slowly tried to gather my breath and tried to remember what had happened in the last two hours.

Flashback from two hours ago:

"Okay, your turn Hector!" Holli laughed. We were all sitting in a circle, on the floor of Victoria's room. "Alright," Hector said, spinning the bottle. The bottle went round and round and round until finally it landed slowly on me. Hector sighed. "Do I have to?" he asked, smiling slightly. "Yes!" Summer said. "Those are the rules of the game!" He turned his attention back over to me. I sat there unsure what to do. "Let's get this over with," he mumbled. He leaned in close. So did I. Out lips were two inches apart when we stopped suddenly. My heart was beating rapidly with the thought that Hector had to kiss me. But, I'm not sure if i wanted to kiss him.

He wasn't hideous to look at and he was completely hilarious but....we're just friends is all. No biggie. Normally I would have kissed him already to get it over with but, my body wouldn't let me move ant further. He's not a bad kisser or anything but he's.......Hector. And kissing him is like kissing your annoying brother or sister.

"Go,go,go!" the rest of them urged. I felt a shove on my back and the next thing I knew, my lips were on his. His lips were surprisingly soft and tasted of caramel and warm vanilla. A good taste. It only lasted for a second though. And when he pulled away my face was red with embarrassment. ", you..." I couldn't get the words out. Hector didn't seem to notice though. He was too busy smiling with everyone else. Not a happy smile but a nervous smile like the kiss was bad or something (maybe it was to him).

"Your turn Patrick," Hector said. Patrick rolled up his sleeves. His fingers barely touched the bottle before we heard a ear-piercing scream. "Holli! I told you not to play your music so loud," Summer scolded. "But, it's not me." Holli replied. "Mom?" Victoria called out. No answer. "Mom?" she called again. "Is that you? Mom?" She stood up and walked into the hall.

We followed. "Mom?" no answer. "What happened to Mrs. Caldwell?" I asked. Victoria shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe she-"  A ear-splitting scream cut off Victoria's voice. We all ran down stairs. "Mom!" Victoria yelled. The front door was busted open. There was a trail of slim on the floor. "Ew!" Anthony said. "What is that?" Laura bent down and scooped some up with her fingers. "EW!" I said,disgusted and irritated. "Why'd you touch it?" She shrugged and wiped her finger on her jeans. "Guys," Holli said. "Look!" she pointed to the slime trail. IT lead to the kitchen. Victoria gave us a nervous look before reluctantly, following the trail. 

She slowly pushed open the kitchen door. "Mom?" she said. We heard a low hissing noise and craned out necks around the room. In the corner was a lizard-like person kneeling over something limp and bloody. It's tail swished around. I covered her mouth to keep from screaming. The limp bloody thing was Victoria's mom. Victoria let out a strangled noise before clamping both hands over her mouth. The lizard-like human turned it's big, scaly head towards us

. It's mouth and claws were drenched in blood. It let out a loud hissing noise and lunged towards Victoria. Patrick pushed her out the way. The lizard-like human hit the wall and hissed in pain. "RUN!!!" Laura yelled. We rushed out of the kitchen and outside, dragging Victoria with us. We stood in the middle of the street. "What the HECK was that?" Summer asked.

I watched as silent tears fell from Victoria's eyes. "IT" she sobbed. I pulled her in for a hug and she cried on my shoulder. I stroked her soft brown hair. WE heard two more hissing noises from down the street. "Hey," Anthony said. "We need to get outta here!" For a moment nobody moved. Everyone was still shocked from what just happened. Just then the lizard-like human appeared at the doorway. IT gave out a loud screeching noise. "RUN!!NOW!!" Hector yelled. And we were off.

End of flashback:

"Jasmin," Laura said. I looked up and saw her leaning over me,watching intensely. "Are you okay?" she asked. I managed a nod."Yeah," my voice craked. "I'm fine." I sighed. So we were okay. For now.



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