I just need someone °♡

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The stained boys were lined up in a line waiting to get on the small wooden boat. Two more officers joined the group, some of the young'uns went to.

The officers quickly helped the boys onto the boat as the smoke edged closer to them every second.

Ralph held his head up high, making sure he made no eye contact with any boy nor the officer to not set the waterworks on again.

The filthy blonde boys gaze turned to the sapphire waters. Flashes of spears, rocks, sparkling fire blurred his vision. A blood curdling scream stung his ears.

Ralph gripped his hair tightly as the officer urged him to get on the boat, patting his back. The world around him began to sway, gripping the damp edge of the boat to keep his footage.

Slurred talking spoke out to him but he made no mode to it. Ralph groaned when his arm wobbled underneath him, making him fall on the hot sand, foam filling his nose. That's when everything went black for him.

Warmth was surrounded his body as his eyes fluttered open. The blonde boy was faced toward a plain grey wall.

Ralph sat up with a groan, combing his hair. His eyes glanced around to see a pair of stairs, sleeping bags next to him and a pair of clothes on the other side.

The fabric were a navy blue, cream button lined up in the middle. Pants were matched with the big button up in Ralph's hands.

The boy slipped off his shirt in Exchange for the new one. He wiggled out of his bag to put on his new pants.

Both clothes were too big for him but, still non the less more comfortable then his old dirty, stiff one.

Ralph jumped when a ruff cough echoed the room. He whipped his head around to see a slightly taller boy with the same outfit on.

His red fire hair seemed a tad shorter then before, freckles were peppered a crossed his cheeks and nose. Icy blue eyes stared at him, almost piercing through him.

The boy behind him was Jack, the same Jack that ran after him with smoke behind him and his psychotic tribe.

The shock looked on Ralph's face soon faded into a glare. His leg twitched with adrenaline, ready to bolt out of the room any second.

To his surprise, Jack's expression softened with his lips parted. The ginger sighed before breaking the silence.

"Uh.. Ralph.. I-" his voice cracked as he spoke. Before he was about to voice more, Ralph scoffed loudly and turned around to head upstairs.

Jack shouted his name behind him, almost in a desperate manner. That alone gave him a cold shiver down his spine.

Ralph opened the surprising heavy door to see people scattered around the room. The young'uns giggled and chased each other around as some of the big'in's ate and chatted.

On the right, a white table was filled with small cubed loads of golden bread with some green apples.

Ralph walked up cautiously to the table, snatching two loads of bread. Once the food was grabbed, he rushed toward one of the corners the room offered.

He slide down to the floor slowly while looking around him. No one seemed to noticed him. Sam and Eric were fighting over an loaf before Roger chucked his apple at poor Eric.

Roger still worse his face paint made with blood and clay from the island. Roger still looked terrifying as before. 

The same before when he pushed the rock of the cliff, sending Piggy to his death. The sight of his cracked skull haunted his memories. Simon's blood that stained the sand haunted his memories.

Simon's petrifying squeals of pain haunted his memories.

A gloss coated Ralph's Emerald eyes. Tears slipped down his cheeks onto his navy shirt. A hiccup passed his quivering lips.

He pulled his knees to his chest, setting his food to the side. Ralph's arms cover his head while he wept for the first time over his dear passed friends.

First chapter of Jalph! This book will be updated hopefully for often then I expect. You won't regret it!!(hopefully not) 🌸

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