LUNA the loving kid

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I was lying on my comfy mattress with my soft pink blanket wrapped around me. Nothing can wake me up from such a comfortable sleep except my mom's voice. I loved the smell of the flowers that bloomed every morning in our garden. They are unique. I have never seen such beautiful flowers anywhere, really. I mean it. Our garden is filled with beauty, and that's why I don't like closing my window. My father would visit me every day in the morning before leaving for work. And I would pretend like sleeping every single day, and he knows it. But he would take his leave very soon, after saying, " Bye, sweetie."
That's how my day begins. And there comes a big alarm.

"Luna, get up, sweetie," came a voice.

I hugged my cushion and returned to my comfortable sleep, not caring about the voice

Back came the voice, " It's late already get up, you won'tbe there on time."

My mom's voice is enough for me to never get into sleep ever.

"Luna, come on, sweetheart, this is the last day hurry up," stated Mom

"Okay, okay, Mom, I am Up. Stop shouting like the world's going to come to an end, " said Luna in an irritated tone

"Of course, the world would come to an end if you wake up early," mocked her mother and left the room

"Today is an important day," I said as I pushed myself out of my beautiful bed and prepared to leave for school. "Of course, what can be more important to a 16-year-old high school girl than holidays. Yes! Today is the last day of this semester."

Then there will be no homework, no late night studying, and no dark circles for another two months. There is going to be fun all around for the next two months. "Hanging out with Feely, uhhhh, I am excited." Luna said to herself. Luna walked downstairs. She was full of enthusiasm. Luna ran, hugged her grandmother, and went to her grandfather. Her grandfather is quite a strict man, but he was on good term with Luna. he liked talking to her everyday sharing things. Every day, they would sit and talk for at least an hour before breakfast. Then, after the conversation, Luna went to the dining table. Everybody was gathered in there. She then wished all her aunts and uncles and uncles sitting there.

"So, what are you going to do during the holidays?" asked Grandma Styne.

Luna replied with excitement, "Yes, grandma, I've got the best plans." First of all, I am going to the music concert with Fepleth and Mujenn and then we are going to the museum and then we are going on a camp and then.."

"Okay, okay, sweetie," halted Grandma, "you have a lot of plans." You have some time for your family? "

Luna chuckled and replied, "Of course, how will I not spend time with my beautiful grandmother?"

"Seriously, Luna?" Asked dotsy in a mocking way
"Mom! Who wouldn't want to spend time with the coolest family ever, especially the coolest mom, "said Luna.

"That's my girl," said .

"Ahem, ahem," coughed Grandpa.

Everyone looked at Grandpa attentively.

"Tonight, we have a business meet; it's like dinner, and I want everyone of us to attend it. Got it?" Asked Grandpa

"But I have," interrupted Aunt Leety.

"No excuses, everyone should know this is important," affirmed Grandpa.

Aunt Leety turned pale.

"The party is at 8:00 pm. I have prepared a guest list for Ridge. Make sure there is no mistake," instructed Grandpa.

"Okay, father," said Ridge.

After breakfast, I was about to depart for the school

"Lisi Wait," called Seera.

She is my cousin. She calls me Lisi, of course. Lisi is not my name, but it is the short form of little sister.

"Yes, big sister," I replied, "I am leaving for school. See you this evening."

"Stop the nonsense; you know why I called you," sighed Seera. "Okay!

"My car is waiting, and I am running late," I explained.

"I will leave you for now." said Seera

I entered the car in a hurry, fastened my seatbelt, and urged the driver to drive fast.

"Is something urgent?" asked Mr.Won the driver.

"This is the last day of this semester. I couldn't miss this, plus I have something important to do." I thought to myself, "No,

I'm just getting late." I replied to him

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