the hangout

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Luna and Bethaney were getting ready to go out
Luna took a shower and dressed herself in beautiful purple dress Luna stood in front of the mirror and started talking,"it's to creepy to go out I am not sure if I shall go out with her oh it's so confusing. Yes, I will invite Icety so I can feel a bit comfortable at least a good idea, Luna. "

Luna ran into Icety's room and shouted, "ICETY."

Icety, who was lying on her bed reading a book, got startled hearing Luna's voice. she turned back and looked at the door. Luna was standing there.

"What the hell, Luna? The world's going to come to a stop or something?" shouted Icety

"What nonsense? " asked Luna

"Then why are shouting like hell," asked Icety

"Actually, I am going out with Bethaney. Are you interested in coming with us?" Asked Luna.

Icety chuckled and said, "I would rather die get lost with her Luna, and don't forget to shut the door."

"Oh, come on, Icety, don't be this. I want you to come, please, "said Luna

"No way I am not interested in coming, please don't disturb me," said Icety

"Icety tell you what I want you to come, please," said Luna

"Oh, please, will you leave me alone," said Icety

"Okay, let's make a deal. If you come with me, I will do anything you ask," said Luna

"Really?" Exclaimed Icety

"I promise," said Luna

"Then get me dress that Feely gifted you for your birthday," said Icety

"You can't do this to me, please," said Luna

"Then okay, I am not coming," said Icety

"Fine! Don't come," said Luna and slammed the door

Luna walked towards her room, grabbed her bag from there, and went to the entrance, waiting for Bethaney.
She was looking at the outside with more confusion going inside her. She was damn angry on Icety. "Why can't she help me with a single thing? it's not like I am asking her for her life," muttered Luna angrily. She then turned back and saw Bethaney and Icety walking towards her.
She was happy and angry at the same time she gave her death stare to Icety.

"So, are you coming?" Luna asked Icety wickedly.

"I was really not interested, but I am coming for Bethaney," replied Icety

"Oh, for Bethaney! Really?" Asked Luna mockingly.

" Of course, who else then? Never for you, " said Icety.

" That's great. Shall we get going then," said Luna.

"Yeah, sure, we shall. Bethaney's waiting for me," said Icety.

"Yeah, even I am waiting for people to laugh at your awful dress."

"What? My dress is awful?" Asked Luna angrily.

"If you really think it's not awful, then why did you want my dress?" said Luna

Icety stammered, "That's that, actually." she cut it quickly and asked, "Shall we go? "

"You know what, guys? I envy your friendship," said Bethaney.

"What?" Both Luna and Icety said simultaneously

"Yes, you both seem to fight a lot, but you guys have a beautiful friendship." said Bethaney

"I am hearing it for the first time. Luna! she is not my type, and I hate her so much. " said Icety

"You think I love you, Icety." Asked Luna.

"Okay, stop both of you. Shall we go?" Interrupted Bethaney.

All three moved out for a fun hangout

At first, they went to a game center. It's a fun world full of games and fun. They jumped into it with excitement.

"Oh my god, I can't believe that, there is such cool Playstation in the countryside," shouted Icety in excitement

"Well, it's not really the countryside; it's kind of urbanized. Don't you think, Bethaney ?" asked Luna.

"I do think, "replied Bethaney seemingly

"Whatever, "sighed off Icety.

Bethaney and Luna giggled, looking at Icety's pissed off face.

"Alright, let's get going. I can't wait to have the fun," urged Icety and snatched their hands and rushed inside.

"Go slow; we are gonna trip somewhere, "said Luna

"I can't. I am very excited," said Icety

"Ohh, you don't seem to have patience, such a fun lover," said Bethaney

"Yeah, I love to have fun," said Icety

The three went inside and was very excited to see the place.

"Oh my God, this is crazy I am going too...." said Icety while searching for the right game." I am going to play the car race, said Icety rushed towards the station."

She rushed towards the station.

Both followed her back.

"Oh, this is so cool. I want one of you to be my opponent in this game, " said Icety

Both were quiet for a few seconds

"Well, I think Bethaney can be your opponent," said Luna

"No, but you can't be alone," said Bethaney in caring tone

"No, I am not alone. I will play some other games. Besides, I don't really like games like this. It's not my taste you guys can carry on, "said Luna

"You sure," asked Bethaney in confirmation

"Yes, I am," said Luna with a chuckle

"Alright, then come, let's play," said Icety to Bethaney

"Okay, I am coming," said Bethaney.

Both of them sat on the station and started playing the game. Luna was standing there watching them. Soon, the game went seriously, and both of them got so indulged in it. Luna soon got bored watching them. She left from the place and started playing some random games. She was soon bored with all the stuffs and she walked away farther. She went in to search for some other games that would interest her. There was nothing like that would attract her to play. As soon as she walked, she noticed a path that led to nowhere it was all dark to see from distance. It was walled on both sides; it was a narrow path. It was like every other path that led from one compartment to the other, but it was kind of creepy. Luna saw that, and she wanted to walk inside it. She slowly started walking towards. She made small steps; she was wandering through her eyes at the mysterious site. she was pulled by the unknown fantasy. She was slowly going completely onto it. The bright light was disappearing as she was walking into it. Soon, there was not even a spark of light; it was completely dark. Luna stopped for a second. She got panicked of the mysterious darkness. But, Luna was not such a coward to run back. She started walking further. She walked , walked, and walked. But it was never-ending. Luna was growing doubtful. She started to have dozens of thoughts. "Why is not ending? It's like every way that leads to the other compartment? But it's growing so deep? I am not sure how far I came? Or how far do I have to go? This is such a confusing path?" Jimxed Luna in her mind. Luna didn't give up; she walked farther and farther. Finally she saw some light, it was not like bright white light. It was some dull, mysterious, orange glow. But still, Luna followed the lead and slowly walked towards the light......

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