what happened

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I walked farther inside. Soon, the darkness disappeared. I walked deep into the direction of the light. It finally led me to a room with dim light, dark, torn walls, and the wall paper came off. It was lit with a fire lamp at the four corners of the room. I called out to check if someone was there, but I heard my own voice echoing. I then went around  the corners of the room and looked at the improper walls. I touched them and tried to place the paper back, but it failed. 

"I can't believe a playstation has such weird rooms," I muttered. " What am I gonna do?"

I turned around and saw a girl standing in front at quite a far distance. I called her and asked her how she got in, but she gave no response. Then, I walked closer to her and placed my hands on her shoulder to call her. I then turned back, and I was surprised to see the face.

"Who was it?" Asked Icety

"It's Needa!" said Luna

"Who is Needa?" Asked Icety

"I am sorry it's Bethaney," said Luna

"Okay. And then what happened?" Asked Icety

"So I saw her, and I was surprised, I exclaimed, "Bethaney, it's you?"

"Yes, Luna, it's me," she said

"How did you come here?" I asked

"I don't know how, but I am here,"

"Fine, then let's get out of here," I said

"But, wait, I have to say something to you," she said as she stopped me

"What did she say?" Asked Icety

Luna replied depressingly, "That's exactly the thing I don't remember,"

"What?" Asked Icety surprisingly

"Yeah, but I remember one thing!" said Luna excitedly

" Yeah, what?" Asked Icety

"At the end, after saying something, she told me,"remember Luna beware Luna, you are in danger, and don't trust the people around you, you have to wake up, run away," said Luna as told by Bethaney

"And then?" Asked Icety

"And then you woke me up," said Luna

"So it's a dream?" Asked Icety

"No, it's not," said Luna

"You just told me that I woke you up," said Icety

"Yeah, but still, I am sure it's not a dream because," said Luna

"How are you so sure?" Asked Icety

"Because I was awake when it started, I saw everything I touched them, and it felt real, I am sure," said Luna hopelessly

"Okay, then what about the previous one, the one you went missing for two days," asked Icety.

"It was real too, I was walking by the yard and then I saw a pond there and I was touching it suddenly everything turned different and," Luna was saying and suddenly Icety interrupted and said, "wait what?"

Luna asked confusedly, "What do you mean by what?"

"This house doesn't have a yard or a pond," said Icety

Luna's heart almost skipped a beat; she was dumbstruck. She asked with much fear and unwillingness to agree,"What?"

"Yes, there is no yard here," said Icety, looking at Luna's worried face.

"There is no way, I saw it," stammered Luna

"Fine then show me," ordered Icety to Luna

Luna dragged Icety exactly to the spot where she saw the yard, but much to her surprise, Icety was correct; there was no yard there. Luna's pupils dilated to a large extent, and she could barely breathe, seeing that the place she actually is missing now.

"This can never be true. I saw it, I swear," cried Luna

"You are so confused, and I think you should stop thinking about the dreams," said Icety in a caring tone

"No, Icety wait. I saw it. Trust me, please. " Begged, Luna

"I trust you, Luna. Just stop worrying about things, and they are just dreams; don't think much about them," said Icety. She smiled at Luna and started walking away

"But it was Bethaney the other time too; it was she who came in my dream, and the next I saw her in reality, how do you explain that," asked Luna and Icety stopped walking hearing this she turned back and looked at Luna confusedly she opened her mouth to say something, "But on that day, where were you when you woke up,"

Luna replied hesitantly, "From a room in this house, but I don't remember walking there,"

"You don't remember, fine," said Icety and walked away

Luna was standing there all hopeless with the most confused look, and she whispered, "What's going on?"

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