chapter 29

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A large, metal complex was jutting out of the ground, cars and military vehicles parked all around it. The Centers for Disease Control was a place that was full of life; people were walking in and out of the building, dressed in regular clothes, eating, drinking, talking and just over all relaxing. The two military trucks stopped right in front of the building, and the soldiers dressed in black grabbed Joe, Linda, Ken and Tom from the backs of the trucks, dragging them into the long, narrow hallway right before a large reception desk with a short, stocky woman sitting behind it.

“What have we here?” asked the kind woman.

“A few prisoners,” muttered Dave as he walked passed the desk and down another hallway. At the end of the hall, a huge set of double doors were standing open and they stepped into a massive laboratory; vials of blue and green and red liquids were exquisitely sitting on long, wooden stained shelves, waiting to be experimented on by many of the remaining scientists. Four chairs were set out and the four prisoners were sat in them and tied up. Joe's head lulled forward, dried blood caking the side of his face and Tom's head went backward, looking up at the ceiling. Dave stood right in front of them and waited until they came together.


When Joe woke up he was startled. He was in pain. His muscles ached and his skull pounded against his brain like a jack hammer against the sidewalk. He looked up and into the face of Dave who was looking right at him with his signature smile. Joe looked around, seeing a bunch of tables with vials upon vials of liquid. Where am I? he thought. Tom was the second person to wake up. He did the same thing Joe did and he was surprised to see Dave standing there. Though not as surprised as Joe.

“Where the hell are me?” demanded Joe.

“You, my friends,” said Dave with another charismatic smile, “are in the Centers for Disease Control main building.”

“Why are we here?” asked Linda, slowly. Her stringy hair was sticking to her skin with sweat like glue.

“A few things need to happen,” said Dave. He pulled out his pistol and pressed it against Ken's forehead. He was freaking out—the pistol moved to his temple. “Let me get this straight before I tell you anything—after today, you are all gonna be dead.”

“Why are you doing this?” asked Joe.

“We've been through this. Because I can. We live in a new world now. I can do whatever the fuck I want without any sort of consequence,” Dave said with a cold, murderous voice.

“It's wrong,” said Linda.

“Oh but its right,” said Dave. “Somebody needs to control. Everything needs a control—some sort of dominance in life in order to survive. With me, you will get all of that.”

“You know nothing about leading,” spat Joe.

“I know plenty. All you need is power. Some of these people who became president before this time—they had limited power. It digusted me. Some presidents had a lot of power and they would show that power to the American people and I would cheer wholeheartedly for this presidents. Control constitutes power—it is what its made of. Without power there is no such thing as control.”

“Your not making any sense,” said Tom.

“I am making perfect sense. These presidents wanted power—they wanted to control. But they listened to the infection that was the American people...and they didn't get the control. Look how we ended up for example. If they president would have regulated the use of these things—then we wouldn't be in the predicament we are now.”

“Don't blame the isn't his fault...nor is it anybody else's fault except for the people who created the virus in the first place,” Linda said.

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