chapter 13

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The soldier went to the front of the truck and turned it on, leaving Joe and Ken to talk in the back. Joe looked out the window for a few moments, seeing a couple of zombies. He had an impulse; he wanted to open the door and kill the zombies like he had just a few minutes before. He feared he was somewhat losing his humanity.

“What are you thinking?” asked Ken.

“Just thinking about this world,” Joe replied, “and just the complexity of it. As well as thinking about me—I think you guys are right...I think I am turning into some sort of monster.”

“Don't say that,” said Ken.

“It's true. You are right. Soon I will be aiming to kill someone I love—perhaps you—or perhaps another human.”

“No you won't—the zombie thing was just...”

“That was a precursor of what is probably going to come.” Joe just sat there blaming himself, getting more and more saddened.

“No it wasn't. Stop being so hard on yourself. This was the first incident.”

“I know but I have had impulses—impulses to do something stupid to you, and to the others as well. I am slowly becoming a monster. It might also have something to do with the death of my parents by the zombies as well. I want revenge. I know my parents treated me bad, but I still miss them.”

“I understand,” said Ken, “I really do. Trust me for now. You are not becoming a monster.” The truck suddenly jerked to a stop. Joe and Ken fell forward. The soldier opened the driver door and stepped out of the truck. Joe went forward, flipping the canvas flap back, and stepped out of the truck as well. He peered around and saw a huge Humvee blocking the way.

A massive man had come out of it, his sausage like fingers spread on his baseball glove of a hand.

“My name is Kevin,” the man said.

“Sergeant Tomlin,” the soldier said. Tomlin and Kevin shook hands.

“What is it you are doing here?” asked Tomlin.

“I was just driving through,” said Kevin, “Found me this ole' Humvee just lying around. I checked it and it worked fine.” Kevin had a southern drawl to his voice.

“Alright,” said Tomlin. “Why are you blockin the road?”

“I needed a break and I didn't know there was anyone else around. The landscape looks pretty barren don't ya think?”

“I guess so. But could you get your Humvee out of the way so that we can get through?”

“Why would I wanna do that?” A sinister look had crossed his face.

“We need to get through...”

“Typen,” Kevin said. “Take him.”

“Wha—what the...” Tomlin was hit in the stomach with the butt of a machine gun. Kevin cracked his foot across the side of his head, causing him to fall to the ground. Two more men clambered from their Humvee's and grabbed Tomlin, throwing him into the back. Joe and Ken just sat crouched behind the truck, unable to move, unable to do anything—completely and utterly shocked. Kevin stepped back into his Humvee and drove away. Joe and Ken just sat there.


Lewis was in the woods with a group of people, scouting out the trees, looking for some deer or something they could kill. They hadn't found anything yet. Sure there were the stray deer wandering around, but they darted out of the way when they heard the snapping twigs of hunters approaching. Lewis was quite surprised that there still was signs of life within the woods; he had figured that all the deer, that all the animals that dwell there would either be zombies, or dead for that matter. When he had discovered of the existence of the animals, he himself questioned it, but now since he had seen them he knew it was true.

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