Unfortunate faith

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Shasha is a young 18 year old woman, very kind and caring. She lives in a small village with her parents and younger sister, Diamond. She has a boyfriend, named Levi. He is a demon slayer, one of the higher ups, also known as hashiras.

One day, Shasha decided to go visit Levi before he went out to an expedition the next day. She told her parents that she would stay out for the night and only come back in the morning, in order to not get attacked by demons.

Shasha heads out to meet Levi, as she waves goodbye to her family.
Once she had arrived at his estate, he welcomes her with a warm hug.
"Hey Shasha, i wasn't expecting to see you today, why did you come here?"-asked Levi.
"I just wanted to spend some time with you before you went out tomorrow, since you said you will be gone for a week or two!"

Levi smiles and brings her inside to set her things up for the night.
They spent a couple hours hanging out and talking, until it was late and they both went to sleep.
In the morning, Shasha decides to make Levi some breakfast before he heads out.
Levi, upon arriving to the kitchen says: "Oh..you didn't have to go through all this trouble for me, but i apreciate your effort!"
Shasha says it is nothing, and that she is more than pleased to serve him a nice meal before he heads out to danger.

Shortly after they finish, Levi brings Shasha outside, packing her things for her return home, telling her to be careful while he is gone and that he promises to not die while he is out.
They kiss goodbye and head out, each going their way.

Shasha walks for a couple minutes before arriving home.
Upon her arrival, she noticed a lot of blood on the entrance. Fearing for the worst, she runs inside, only to find her parents, brutally killed and covered in blood.
Shasha falls to her knees, crying and whimpering, until she hears a growling sound.

Shasha heads to her sisters room, only to find out she had became a demon.
Shasha, now even more traumatized, tries to talk to Diamond, who jumps at Shasha, attacking her.
Shasha manages to use a small stick to prevent Diamond from bitting her. Shasha tries to beg her sister to not kill her and to go back to normal, crying as she wonders why did this happen.

Diamond stops trying to bite shasha, and starts crying as well.
Shasha, notices her sister crying and hugs her. Shasha promises her sister that she will turn her back into a human, no matter what.

Some time later, after they stopped crying, Shasha decides to try and find a blanket of some sorts to cover up her sister, because of sunlight.
She decides she has to find some help, knowing she can't go to Levi's because he just went out and wont be back for a week.

She wonders if she can wait till Levi returns, but decides its too dangerous and someone might see the demon and try to kill her.
She then decides to wait till its darker to head out, depite being more dangerous, but its safer for Diamond.
Shasha remebers that Levi told her that his best friend, Eren, had a residence not too far from the town known as Kyoto, and that if she ever needed help while he was out, to go to him for help.

Once its night, Shasha and Diamond, covered in a big blanket, decide to head out to Eren's, hoping that, once they are there, she will get the help she needs.
They walk for a good 20 minutes before they hear a loud growling sound coming from the nearby forest.

Shasha knows that she wont be able to fight any demons, because, despite Levi having taught her some self defence and sword tricks, she wont be able to wander them off without a weapon.
She grabs her sister and starts running, making sure to not look back.
But..out of the blue, a demon jumps out at Shasha, smelling her human blood, and getting hungry for human flesh.

The demon pins shasha to the ground, going in for a bite, before getting kicked in the head by none other than Diamond.
Diamond, furious at the demon, jumps at him, attacking and clawing him with her full might, to avenge her sister.
Shasha is shocked at the sight of her sister, standing up for her and protecting her.

But her attention soon goes to the trees nearby, as she sees a group of demons aproaching them.
Diamond notices and goes next to her sister, shielding her for when they attack.
Shasha knows Diamon wont be able to fight all of them, and they dont have a chance to run away from this.
Fearing for the worst, Shasha tells her sister that she loves her and regrets nothing.

The demons go to attack the 2, until.
A woman shows up, killing all of them in a single attack, with insane speed.
Shasha looks up to see this black haired woman, as she turns to Diamond, getting ready to kill her too.
Shasha, realizing it, quickly gets up and beggs the woman to not kill her sister.

The woman, confused, tells her "You do realize that your sister is a demon right? I'm sorry, but i have to do this!"
Shasha screams while crying: "Please, i beg you, dont kill Diamond. I just need to talk to Levi once he arrives. He will help me!"

The slayer shocked at what she heard, asks Shasha: "How do you know Levi? Wait, are you the girl Eren told me about, the one Dating Levi?"
Shasha explains her situation to the slayer.

"Fine, i will help you for now, but only because Levi trusts you, just make sure to not go around telling people what happened, some slayers might not be this friendly."-said the slayer.
Shasha understands and thanks her for helping her. "Oh, by the way, can you tell me your name, please? Im just curious."-asks shasha.

The slayer replies: "My name is Mika"
Shasha realizes who she is, and starts fangirling over her: "OH MY GOD! You are THAT Mika? The snake hashira, the one whose boyfriend is the strongest hashira?"
Mika, getting a bit annoyed tells her: "Yes, now skip the small talk till were safe, we shouldn't let our guard down, it is still nightime!"
Shasha understands and apoligizes, grabbing her sister and going with Mika, who will escort them to her and Eren's estate.

After an hour, they arrive at the mansion. Shasha looks surprised, as this one looks very diferente from Levi's.
Mika tells Shasha that Eren is currently on a rescue mission and wont be back for a while, so its easier for shasha and Diamond to go unnoticed. She brings the 2 to a guests room, where they will be spending the next couple days until Levi comes back.

Shasha goes to sleep, making sure that Diamond is secured and also sleeping.
Mika heads to her room and goes to sleep as well.
The next morning, Shasha wakes up to see Mika expecting her outsider her room.
Mika tells shasha to go get some breakfast and to leave her sister alone for now, because she will probably sleep for a long time.

The 2 head to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Atfer they finish breakfast, Mika goes to train and Shasha asks her if she can come with her, to which Mika agrees.
She goes to train and Shasha decides to try and talk to her, to find out more about demons and the slayers.

"So..how is it like? You know.being a demon slayer."-asks shasha.
Mika replies-"It wasn's something any of us wanted to do, we became slayer to protect those who are in need, and hopefully.one day.extint the demons."
Shasha tells Mika that she is interested in becoming one as well, which leaves Mika intriegued, but tells shasha that if she wants to become one, she will have to work harder than before and be willing to risk her life for others.

Shasha understands but still stands with her decision.
"I see...but if you want training, im sorry but i can't do it, i am not good with those types of things, maybe Eren can help you or you boyfriends."-says Mika.
Shasha replies: "I understand, and i apreciate the advice, but i think i will ask Levi to train me, since we already know each other. But if you don't mind, can i ask you to teach me some combat techniques? Just until Levi returns."

Mika agrees, despite not being a very good teacher, but tells Shasha she will do her best.
Shasha smiles and thanks Mika for helping her.
The 2 beggin training for a bit.

Shasha, at one point asks Mika about herself, wanting to know more about her.
"Oh...i...im just a normal girl, who became a slayer due to.bad thing happening, like any other slayer. I wasn't very confidente at first, until one day, i met him. The man who changed my life forever, the one i owe everything to, the one i hold dear in my heart, Eren"- says mika.
Shasha is surprised, she didnt know it had been Eren who saved her and helped her become the strong warrior she is today. "Really? He is the one who trained you? But aren't you guys the same age?"

Mika replies: "Yes, but Eren is much stronger than anyone i have ever met, besides Levi. He wasn't born strong like the others, he didn't have anything special about him. He just worked harder than the other, to become the best, and save everyone in need. That is who Eren is, a strong willed, hardworking, proud warrior. He doens't believe anyone is weak, he believes that with hard work and dedication, anyone can become strong, and be proud of themselves."

Shasha is stunned, is this Eren really this amazing? She wonders.
Shasha then talks to Mika about some of her hobbies, and things she likes to do.
They talked for a good couple hours, realizing they have a lot in common, including their love for animals, nature, and the fact that they are both kind and caring people, especially to those they love.

Some days have passed, Shasha has been training under Mika during these days, learning some basics about fighting.
During this time, Mika had alerted Levi about what had happened, using her crow to warn him.

Levi arrives at Mika's estate, going to meet the 2 and making sure Shasha and Diamond are okay.
They catch up on what had happened, and Levi asks Shasha if she is sure about becoming a demon slayer.
Shasha replies to Levi, telling him that she will work as hard as possible, and become a slayer, so one day, she may manage to turn Diamond back into a human.

Levi tells shasha: "Hmm, if you are sure about this, i will be glad to train you! But don't think i will go easy on you, just because we're Dating. Demons are unforgiving creatures that won't exitate to kill human. Just because your sister doesn't hurt humans, doens't mean the other demons won't!"
Shasha nods, making sure she will in fact work hard and become a powerful warrior.

"Alright then. Shasha, prepare to become a demon slayer!"-says Levi in a exited tone.
Shasha smiles and celebrates.
Shasha will be trained by Levi, who will make her into a demon slayer, and her adventure is only starting...

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