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Shasha's journey is just beggining. She will be trained by none other than Levi, the flame hashira, one of the strongest slayers in the world. Despite being her boyfriend, he will not hold back when training her. This world is too dangerous and demons won't hold back on humans despite their struggles.

Levi tells Shasha that her training will begin next morning and she should be ready for the most intense journey of her life so far.
Shasha nods and almost as if she was taking orders, she shouts: "YES SIR!"
Levi smiles and tells her to keep that energy up fro tomorrow.

They both head to Levi's residence where they will spend the next year training together.
Levi imforms the corps that he won't be able to join many missions, cause he has to train Shasha.
The leader of the corps agrees and tells him to do his best and that his assistance will only be required for higher ranking missions and hashira meetings.

The next morning, Shasha gets up early for training, it is 6 am and Levi is already waiting for her in the patio where they will begin the training course.
Levi starts by telling her that, first things first, she will have to train her mind, endurance and learn to breathe properly in though situations.

For the next 3 days Shasha would expirience a huge amount of pain, for she is not used to training like this. Levi tells her to keep her mind focused and to remember why she is there.
Shasha, making sure to keep pushing through the pain, tries her hardest, being able to stand again, even after exhaustion.

On the 4th day of training, Levi gets a visit, his friends Eren, the water hashira, has returned from his rescue mission and wants to talk to Levi personally.
Levi leaves one of his assistants to help Shasha train while he goes to talk to him.
Once outsider the mansion Eren and Levi talk.

"Boros died"-says eren-"I didn't make it in time...he died from the injuries he sustained fighting upper 1, Kiku."
Levi answers-"Damnit..we lost another hashira...these damn demons are unforgiven."
Boros being the current wind hashira, also the brother of Mia, the wind breathing slayer.
Eren the says: "We will avenge him one day, just focus on the present. the way, i heard you started training your little girlfriend, hope that goes well!"
Levi answers:"Yeah we will, and thanks, i will do my best!"
"I know you will,!"-says Eren.
Levi smiles and answers: "Same to you brother!"

These 2, despite not being related are like brothers to each other, hence why they call each other brother.
Eren heads out and Levi heads back in to continue training Shasha.

For the next year, Levi would train Shasha everyday, teaching her everything he knows, from breathing to sword skills to fighting, making sure she becomes strong. Shasha managed to learn the first 5 forms of flame breathing in this time.
Until one day

It had been exactly a year since training began, and Levi goes to Shasha telling her it is time, time for the final selection, where she will be put to test for 1 week, her and other rookies will have to survive alone in the forest of Sakamoto, where they will face countless demons, strong and weak. And only those who are strong enough will survive and become demon slayers.

Shasha gears up and makes sure to say one last goodbye to her sister before heading to final selection.
Shasha goes to the room where her sister is resting and tells her: "Goodbye Diamond, if i don't make it back, i just want you to know, i love you, and i always will. No matter if you are a demon or a human, i will do my best to come back and live on to become a great warrior!"
She then kisses Diamond on the forehead, getting up and leaving the room, to go outsider.

Levi wished Shasha luck on her final selection and promises to give her a present when she comes back. They kiss, and shasha goes to final selection.

Upon arriving at the entrance of Sakamoto forest, Shasha sees 24 other rookies with her, all ready to go inside and do their job.
2 small ladies arrive and tell the rookies that for the next 7 days, they will face the hardest times of their lives, getting put in the line of danger, with no one to rescue them.
The rookies, most of them terrified, enter the forest, thus beggining their 1 week journey.

The rookies, as soon as they entered the forest, could already sense the evil spirit and mist it erradiated. Most of them being scared for their lifes, start freaking out. But Shasha will not be scared this easy, she won't give up, she wants to live, to save her sister and one day, end mudae for good!
The rookies begin heading into the forest, making sure to be mentally prepared for what's about to come.

A few days have passes since te beggining of final selection, Shasha seems to be doing fine for now.
She hears screaming coming from a nearby area, depite this being a survival mission, Shasha can't help to try and go to rescue the person screaming, even if it gets her injured.

Shasha runs over to that location, finding a girl, about a year or 2 younger than her, screaming and running away from some demons. Shasha, using her 1st form, the unkowing fire, to take them all out, in a rapid movement.
The girl thanks Shasha for saving her and asks if she can stay with her until the end of final selection. Shasha, being the kind person she is, decides to accept it, despite it being a bit difficult. The girl introduces herself as Sapphire.

The 2 girls then hears loud thumping sounds coming towards them, as they turn around to see a huge demon, with 6 arms and sharp skin.
Sapphire screams in fear and gets behind Shasha. Shasha decides to charge at the demon, using her 2nd breathing form, the rising scorching sun, to slice one of his arms, while trying to get the upperhand on him.

The demon proceeds to regenerate and attack Shasha, knocking her into a tree nearby, and injuring her a bit.
Shasha manages to get up and continues fighting the demon. She uses her 2nd form again, managing to cut 3 of his arms in one strike.
The demon then, struggling agaisnt Shasha, goes all out, regrwoing his limbs and attacking Shasha, nearly breaking her sword and injuring her a bit.

The demon then turns to sapphire, giving her a creepy stare, which makes her pass out.
Shasha, fearing that her friends will get killed, tries to get up again, despite being injured.
The demon notices Shasha's attempt of rescuing her friends, attacks her once more, breaking one of her ribs.

The demon, seeing Shasha on the ground goes for the finishing blow, but suddenly
A loud thunder can be heard, and all of the demon's arms are cut.
Shasha looks up to see Sapphire, standing in front of her, holding her sword, and giving off a diferente vibe from before.

Sapphire positions herself, as ready to strike again, saying: "Full concentration, Thunder breathing, 1st form, Thunderclap and flash!"
Sapphire then, moving at such insane speech that not even shasha or the demon can keep up, strikes the demon right on the neck, killing it in 1 blow.

Sapphire then snaps back to normal and looks over the dead demon wondering what had happened.
Shasha is confused as to what had just happened: "Is this really Sapphire? Just a couple seconds ago she was giving off a completly diferente vibe. She is ussualy scared of everything but, at that time, it was like she was a completly diferente person!"-Shasha thinks to herself.
The girls then procced through final selection, together, taking out some demons in the way.

Final selection comes to an end. All the remaining rookies head to the top of the hill next to the forest.
Upon arriving there, Shasha notices that only her and 3 others had survived the whole way.
One of the small women says: "Congratulation, the 5 of you were our only survivors and will now begin your journey of demon slayers. One of you arrived earlier and already has selected her stone for the sword making. Now please, proceed to choose yours, one at a time."

The survivors go on to choose their stones. A girl decides to cut in line, and go first, pushing Sapphire out of the way.
"Hey no need to be rude, just ask for permission to go first!"-said Shasha.
The girl just ignores her and takes a stone from the pedestal.
The other 3 do the same and then all of the rookies are dismissed and told to return to their housings.

Sapphire asks if she can stay with Shasha, since she can't go back to her hometown. Shasha agrees and both girls go together, making their way back to Levi's estate.
Some time later, they arrive at Levi's who is waiting for Shasha at the entrance.
Levi sees that Shasha is accompanied by another girl and asks who she is.
They explain Sapphire's situation and head inside to rest and catch up.

A week later, their swords arrive, and Levi and the girls go check them out.
Sapphire's sword turns yellow, just like her hair.
Shasha's sword turns black, which intrigues Levi, because it is a very rare color.
Levi warns the girls that from now on, they will have to start going on missions alone. Making sure to protect the civilians and to do their job right.

Shortly after, a crow arrive, giving Shasha and Sapphire their first mission's details.
A mansion on the south of city honkai seems to have some demons that need to be taken out.
Both girls ready up and Levi wishes them luck on their first mission.
They say goodbye to Levi and head out to Honkai.
Shasha has just become a demon slayer but her journey is just beggining!

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