9 - gym class heroes

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I walked down the hallway, stopping by the lockers to place a few books inside. The corridor was completely empty, not having any noise coming from the classrooms. However, I knew where Charlie would be.

Making my way through the quiet school, I found the classroom where detention was held. Of course, I would have gotten to sit there as well, having broken into lockers, but I never did.

I looked inside the classroom through the small mirror, not seeing any professor. I noticed Charlie sitting in the front row, writing something.

''Hi,'' I said, opening the door and taking a step inside.

Leonardo's proud smile faced me on the left. I had not seen him through the window.

''So just you two?'' I asked, facing him back with a disgusted look.

As I walked over to Charlie's desk, Leonardo turned to me.

''I do hope the kids got back home from school,'' Leonardo said, pouting.

''You know, it'd be pretty interesting to argue and bicker with someone with a brain. At least they'd come up with some good fucking insults. This is just boring,'' I said, turning away from Leonardo and facing Charlie.

 This is  just boring,'' I said, turning away from Leonardo and facing Charlie

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Charlie grinned slightly and looked at me. It seemed that Leonardo wanted to say something, but decided to turn away back to his paper.

''How long?'' I asked simply, talking quietly.

''Today and another day. We'll still agree on that when he comes back,'' Charlie replied. ''how are you going to get home? I've got this and another pile to finish. Sorting old files... very interesting.''

''Wish I could help,''

''Maybe then you should-'' Leonardo interrupted.

''Maybe then you should-'' Leonardo interrupted

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''Shut UP!'' I almost yelled, my hands waving. ''just I don't- I don't fucking care what you have to say. I literally don't. I'll sit here in detention too if it makes you leave us alone.''

Leonardo merely chuckled, continuing to sort of his pile of documents.

''Like I said... I wish I could be of help,'' I said, frowning.

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