epilogue (18+)

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Heya! Welcome to the epilogue aka the last part of Natalie's and Charlie's story. WARNING: This chapter has a SMUT part and I have written smut only once before. But... as so many comments have asked me to/joked about there being a lack of... here we go. Thank you for sticking with this story! Can't believe so many people actually wanted to read this! <3 I'm truly incredibly sorry for abandoning the story at its epilogue, but I hope this was worth it. Thank you to all the readers! <3


Early March weather was more welcoming than expected that year. This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race by Fall Out Boy was still heavily playing on the radio and although I usually preferred to put music on YouTube, I let the song fill my room as I was browsing something on my laptop. My eyes averted with the familiar noise coming from my phone.

derek's having a party. i'm on my way there. sure you're not coming?

I pursed my lips at the text message from Ruby. We, of course, kept in touch. It was much easier now that she got into the same college as me. Second-year though, but she still remained as my closest friend.

Not really in the mood today...

I replied to her and pursed my lips slightly.

should i go then??

theres martha and i can't stand that bitch without you

Ruby had a coursemate whom she really disliked. Not that there was a ton of drama to discuss that involved significant others or professors, but both of us always loved hating Martha. I think everyone had a person like that in their college.

I encouraged Ruby to still go to the party even if I wasn't. My plans for the evening consisted of turning off a film I had seen a million times and having a drink by myself. Nothing a few homemade pina coladas couldn't fix.

Although I kept telling Ruby that everything was top-notch in my relationship with Charlie, there was one issue. A semi-long distance relationship that involved seeing each other every few weeks. We swore to see each other at least a few times a month, but sometimes things were hard. Classes could sometimes be hard, our schedules just wouldn't align, or the train ride would take too long.

So I hadn't seen Charlie in almost three weeks. It would be three weeks tomorrow.

As I turned on the mixer and put the pineapple chunks back into the fridge, I thought about Charlie and about all the shit that we had been through. Four years together and it felt like we knew every corner and inch of each other. Literally and metaphorically.

I turned off the blender and some of the drink in a tall glass and found myself back in my bed, searching for a movie to put on and forget my worries.

''John Tucker Must Die?'' I voiced, raising an eyebrow and sipping from the glass. It was a romantic comedy. One of those cliche school ones. Could be trashy and fun.

And then I remembered all the times Charlie and I would pick out films and watch shows. We had watched so many together that we lost count. So many times with the rest of the Bakers or my family whenever we visited.

''50 First Dates,'' I sighed and rubbed my forehead. I had nothing against Adam Sandler and his movies. They were fun and could easily take my mind off of things. However, I clicked away and continued my search.

I pouted in happiness once my eyes saw How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. Charlie and I had seen that movie at least four times. It was one of Lorraine's favorites and she made us watch it every time it came on TV. She, of course, also owned the DVD version. My fingers slid against the touchpad and hovered over it, not wasting a second before clicking on it.

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