19 - talk s'more about why we shouldn't sleep in the tent

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''Can you guys please not interrogate me about my plans like dad? You two better not act like that for the time we're there,'' Lorraine snapped and I started laughing.

I looked back at her, as Lorraine sat in the backseat of the car. We had picked her up and were driving to the lake now.

''Shut up,'' Charlie replied with a smile on as well. ''we ALL know that dad's going to be bugging you about it until you finally choose. That's how it was with me until I finally settled on my decision with college.''

''Hmmm...'' Lorraine hummed.

''Then again, Nat here helped to steer me in the right direction,'' Charlie said, turning his head to me.

''How sweet... maybe I can allow your married couple energy near me,'' Lorraine said and I smiled to myself, looking out the window. It seemed that we were only minutes away from the lake from what I could tell from Charlie's description of the place. ''but I'm still not going to listen to dad.''

''Fair enough,'' Charlie breathed out.

When we could already see the lakehouse, we noticed everyone already coming outside.

''They're eating breakfast out. Typical dad,'' Lorraine said, scoffing and Charlie laughed. ''I'm not going to participate.''

''You probably will have to,'' Charlie replied.

''They seem half-asleep,'' I commented and noticed how eager Mr. Baker was, urging everyone to sit by the table.

When we stopped with Charlie beeping the horn, however, their attention turned to us.

''And there's the rest of the clan. Come on,'' Mr. Baker said, looking at the kids standing around the table.

Lorraine was first to step out of the car and instantly commented about the atmosphere. I couldn't keep track of everyone that hugged me and Charlie.

''Hey, Nat, it's so good to see you- dad's killing us out here and it's only breakfast,'' Sarah said and I laughed.

''What, didn't you guys sleep last night?''

''Oh, they were up to no good... some of them,'' Mrs. Baker said and we hugged. ''you'll probably learn what happened yesterday.''

Charlie and I shared a surprised look, as he tossed his backpack on and took mine in his arms. It only took me a second to place my hand on it when Charlie gave me a look of disapproval.

''I'll carry it,'' he then smiled with his teeth.

I shrugged and returned the smile.

''Hey, you guys!'' Nora's voice welcomed us as she was placing something on her plate by the table.

Charlie quickly put the bags on the floor by the table and greeted Nora and Bud. I did the same.

''Everything went smoothly with picking Lorraine up and staying at the inn?'' Mrs. Baker asked me.

''Yeah, it was nice. We drove for a while so staying at the inn was a good idea,'' I replied. ''what happened yesterday? I hope nothing serious...''

''Partially, I guess,'' Mr. Baker commented.

''I'll tell everything later to you,'' Mrs. Baker said and looked at me. ''time to eat now. I hope you guys didn't have breakfast yet.''

''Charlie did but not me or Lorraine,'' I replied.

''Nat, come, I'll show you where we'll be sleeping and we can put our bags down,'' Charlie said, bopping his head towards the door as I was about to sit down.

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