Chapter 48.

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"And why would I do that for you?"

"Because I am your older sister and you should have some respect for me."

"I have respect for our grandparents, not you."

"Can one of you please write the god damn title?" I cut them both off. Crystal and Brittany had bee arguing ever since I arrived at there house Wednesday after school. Mr Schue had put us into a group to practice song writing, and Crystal had to be a part of it.

"She can." They both said. I sighed in frustration and snatched the pen from Brittanys hand. I guess I may as well write the title since I have done everything else. What can one more thing do, right?

"This is stupid. I'm not even part of this stupid school." Crystal spoke, standing up from the ground. She marched away, leaving Brittany to do a victory shimmy. I rolled my eyes and continued writing the title on three bits of paper. While doing so, Brittany stuck butterfly stickers all over the pages. I have no idea what butterfly's have to do with anything but Whitney brought us all of this stuff.

"Right," I clapped then stood up off the floor. I packed everything away neatly then grabbed my bag from off the couch. "I'm going to go home now." I stated, looking at Brittany as she stood up from the floor and looked at me.

"But were not done?" She raised an eyebrow.

"We are, for now." I nodded.

"Please don't go just yet." Brittany moaned.

"I need to, I, uh, I have things to do." I lied. I was really just over spending too much time with Brittany and Crystal. All they do is fight, and argue about stupid things. Crystal uses being in love with another girl against Brittany, which makes Brittany lose her cool and I am usually sitting there mentally head butting the desk.

"Okay." Brittany nodded. "I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled then walked over to the tall blonde. "More than anything, always remember that." I wrapped my arms around her neck, then brought my lips to hers. At first, I thought she was rejecting my kiss, until I felt her arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer. She deepened the kiss,running her tongue along my lip asking for entrance which I gave. Before it got any more heated,I pulled away and looked into her eyes.

"I don't want you to go." Brittany whispered.

"I know. But I have too." I replied. "I promise, I will take you out for dinner tomorrow night. We can have the night to ourselves." I spoke. Brittany nodded, then we both smiled. "No Crystal night." I smirked.

"Okay." Brittany smiled.

"Now, I need to go home. I will text you tonight." I pecked her on the lips once more.

"Goodbye." Brittany spoke as I let her go and headed out her bedroom door.

"Bye!" I called back.


I arrived home and literally collapsed on my bed with a loud sigh. That girl drives me insane. Not Brittany, obviously, but the other one. Everything Brittany or myself do, she does better. The way she laughs after each rude comment she says, and how she raises her eyebrow when someone tries to offend her makes me almost want to stab my face multiple times with a needle. What 15 year old is that annoying? Of course. Crystal Pierce.

"Honey, I heard you come in, is everything alright?" Mom entered my room, then placed a pile of neatly folded clothes onto the end of my bed. I proped myself up onto my elbows so I could look at her.

"Have you ever met someone that you have to at least pretend to like but every time she opens her god damn mouth you want to hammer her in the head with an extremely hard object?" I groaned.

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