Chapter 20.

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After driving around for 20 minutes trying to find a park, we finally found one and we're now walking through the mall. It was rather busy for a Saturday morning. We walked straight to the food court, and to the Toasties shop. It was my favorite, and had been since I was younger. We got to chose what bread we wanted, whether it was fresh or toasted. Then all the fillings, which was my favorite part because you could stuff so much into it. After we got our toasties, we found a seat and sat down.

"I can't believe mom gave me her card." I smiled.

"Why wouldn't she?" Brittany asked. Damn, I really need to tell her the truth.

"Ah, I don't know. She never usually does." I lied. Maybe because she doesn't exactly trust me with everything, even my own life, which is why she sent me off to a mental home.

"I'm glad she did, now I don't have to use my money." Brittany smirked. I laughed and began eating my food. It was delicious, and I could tell Brittany was enjoying hers as well. Once we finished, we browsed almost every shop in the mall, before stopping at Valley Girl to look for dresses.

"This one is perfect!" I smiled, looking at the short dress, it was black and white with an almost flower pattern.

"Try it on." Brittany suggestered. I nodded and grabbed my size, then followed Brittany around as she searched for a dress. We looked around for a while and she couldn't find any dress she liked.

"What about this one?" I asked, pulling out a plain black one, that had one shoulder strap and was quite short.

"Nope." Brittany shook her head and scrunched up her nose.

"This?" I pulled out a black dress that was filled with white patterns. It was short and the sleeves cut across the shoulders. It was almost a round neck, but I thought it was perfect.

"I guess I could try it on." She smiled. She grabbed her size and we walked to the changing rooms. I changed into the dress and stared at myself in the mirror. I loved it.

"Britt?" I called.

"Yes?" She called from next door.

"Come see my dress." I smiled, still admiring myself.

"Just a minute," in exactly a minute, my curtain opened and Brittany stood there. Her dress looked beautiful on her. I gasped as she done a little twirl.

"Britt, that looks stunning." I sighed. She looked down at mine and smiled.

"So does yours Santana. We are gonna to look hot tonight." She laughed. I joined, then closed the curtain as she walked away and got dressed. Once I was dressed, I took mine and Brittany's dresses to the counter and paid. They were awfully expensive, but mom said to buy something nice. We walked back out to the car, placed the dresses in the back and got in. The drive back home was silent, with the stereo playing at a quiet volume.

"Mom, we will show you our dresses after we are in them. No peeking." I called as we walked through the door.

"Okay Santana." Mom laughed from the lounge. We ran upstairs and hung the dresses in my wardrope. It was only 5 o'clock. We still had three hours until the party starts. We lay on my bed talking for a while until mom called us to dinner. She had made meat balls that we ate quickly.

"I'm going to have a quick shower!" I called to Brittany who was laying on my bed reading through a magizene.

"Okay." She yelled back. I grabbed a towel and made my way to the bathroom. In the shower I made sure to shave my under arms and legs perfectly. That would be a little embarrassing if I had missed a patch, and I had to wear a dress. I washed my hair, then my body, then got out. I wrapped myself in a towel and walked back to my bedroom.

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