Chapter 6.

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It had been a week. One week of living in this dreadful place. One week of lying, keeping my cool and smiling. Everyday goes by, slower than the day before. I sat in my bedroom everyday with Quinn and we wrote in our diarys. She was a better person than who she was last week, and I envied that about her. She was recovering quickly. It wont be long until she leaves. Noah Puckerman was offically named my best friend here in this place. Everyday, we hung out. Talking and laughing between us. I saw him lose his call at least once a day. Steph was gone, thankfully. I didn't have to walk around in fear anymore. I was tired, angry and really did not like being here anymore. I need to get out.

"Santanz!" Noah yelled my nickname. He was sitting on the couch in the lounge. It was early in the morning, just before breakfast. We were one of five people awake already. The other three being some randoms that I hadn't met yet.

"Hey." I smiled and sat next to him on the couch. I sighed and lent my head back.

"Did you sleep well?" Noah asked and I shook my head. "Why not?"

"I just hate it here. Sleep is something I cannot get. I hate knowing that people have probably killed themselves in my own bedroom and now their ghost is in there." Noah laughed at my story and I raised an eye brow at him. "Im serious."

"I know, I know." He shook his head. A boy from the game room accidently hit the ping pong ball right into Noahs face. I let out a slight giggle, but stopped when Noah stood up. "What the hell was that for?" He yelled, holding the ball in his hands.

"I'm, uh, I'm sorry, Puc. It was an accident." The fragile boy stuttered.

"Bullshit it was. You want to hit me with anything, I would rather your fist, not a ball." Noah threw the ball back at the boy. He put the ball down and ran straight past us, and into the reception. "Bloody idiot." Noah cursed and I laughed. 

It was breakfast time, Noah and I sat down at the table together and slowly ate our fruit and cerel. The only decent thing about this place was the food. It wasn't the same thing everyday, and sometimes we even got ordered food from the town. After I finished I took mine and Noah's plates to the kitchen, and when I returned to Noah he was standing up, yelling at someone.

"Bullshit! That's what you are full of!" Noah yelled, I turned my head to see he was yelling at that same boy who hit the ping pong ball at him.

"And you just think you're so tough when you're really not. Give up Puckerman!" The boy yelled. A girl stood up next to the boy and stared at me.

"Walk away Puckerman and you too, minion." The girl yelled, obviously calling me Noah's minion. I started to get angry and so did Noah.

"What'd you call me?" I spoke, loudly. I regretted saying anything to her. She was a lot bigger than me, and one hit I'd be dead. 

"A minion. That's what you are. You follow Puc around like a little lost puppy. You've been here a week, and you already think you are top b*tch here." The girl yelled and I rolled my eyes.

"Please, a lost puppy? That isn't insulting at all. You cant say shit to me, I mean, look at yourself. Did you eat his twin brother or something?" I laughed at myself then looked up to Noah who was smirking, but he was still angry. "And I don't think I am the top b*tch here. I am the top b*tch here."

"You are a b*tch." The girl spat and threw a plate straight in between Noah and I. Noah and the boy began yelling at eachother again and I couldn't do anything but stare at this girl with such hatred. What is wrong with her? Why would she randomly start abusing me? I worked myself up until I was shaking. That was it. I lunged straight into this girl, tackling her to the ground. I began punching her in the face, pulling her hair, screaming wild things at her. I cannot recall what I said to her, but I bet they were some stupid names.

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