Chapter 52.

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I woke up to a light knock on my door. I flickered my eyes open and yawned, then sat up and flattened my hair. You know how Ana wakes up on Frozen with her hair all over the place? Yeah well that's exactly how I look when I wake up after getting barely any sleep. "Come in?" I called. The door slowly opened, and a bubbly face appeared.

"Morning, sorry if I woke you. But your mom said to." She spoke.

"It's fine, what's the time?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Almost 11, we are leaving here at 12." She announced. I nodded, then she walked out, closing the door behind her. I groaned and rolled out of bed, literally rolled because I ended up on the floor. I sighed and picked myself up walking to the bathroom to take a shower.

After many attempts at turning the water cold to wake me up, I climbed out of the shower still feeling like death. If only we hadn't gone to bed at 3am, I would have been fine this morning. I made my way to my room, dressed rather nicely in a dress and flat shoes, dried my hair and applied makeup, then pulled the curtains open and hovered downstairs.

"Good morning, breakfast is in the oven." Mom cheered why was she so bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning? I nodded and helped myself to a feed of hasbrowns and bacon. Bacon, another gift from god.

After slowly eating my breakfast, I took my car to Starbucks quickly to purchase myself a coffee. Honestly, I really needed one. I took the coffee back home and sipped away on the couch while mom frantically ran up and down the stairs preparing stuff for Marks get together.

"Is she always in such a hurry?" Grace asked, sitting down next to me. I nodded. "So is dad."

"That's why they are so perfect." I nodded, watching mom as she walked back upstairs. "Did you want a coffee?"

"No, I hate coffee. Sonny is the coffee drinker." She laughed. I'm guessing Sonny was her sister.

"What about the other one?"

"Jade? Nah, Jade and I would rather drink hot chocolate." She smiled.

"Oh, I could of got one for you." Now I felt bad.

"It's okay, really. I don't need one." She laughed. Mom hurried back downstairs and grabbed her purse.

"Let's go!" She sighed. Grace and I stood up, then followed mom to the car. I climbed in the front, put my sunglasses on then leant my head back. If only I could go to sleep right now. We drive for what seemed like forever until we pulled down along gravel house. The grass on either side was perfectly green, a few Daisy's were amongst it. In front, I could see a small cottage looking house. It was two story, but the top story looked tiny. The entrance was a big open deck, and huge glass sliding doors. We parked the car next to a tin shed, then climbed out of the car.

"Mark texted, he has just gone to pick up the girls, he won't be far away. He said Grace knows where the key is." Mom announced. Grace nodded and led us around to the back door. They had a huge backyard that was sloped down to what looked like a small creak. The view was beautiful. I followed mom and Grace threw the door and to what looked like the dining room. Everything in the house was wooden, and warm.

"Well, this is dads house." Grace spoke. "Everything is basically right here, except our bedroom is upstairs."

"You have to share a room?" I chuckled. I could imagine three sixteen year old girls sharing a room, chaos. Grace nodded then rolled her eyes. "I'll show you." She turned and walked toward a door. I followed, and walked up stairs that led to an average size room, which really was just the attic. There were two double beds, a set of drawers and a mirror.

"Why only two beds?" I asked.

"Two of us have to share, we usually just decide that last minute." Grace explained. "And the drawers are pretty useless. We have a few outfits each in there, but we don't know who's clothes are who's so we wear whatever."

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