Chapter 15.

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After we took what seemed like a billion of photos, we were called to dinner. Mom made pizza, hot chips and salad. We took our food into the lounge and ate with mom while watching Step Up movie on TV.

"I wish I could dance like that." I smirked, admiring the Step Up dancers.

"You can. You're just about as good as me." Brittany smirked next to me.

"No one could ever be as good as you Britt, you're the best dancer I've ever seen." I smiled, looking into the blue eyes.

"Thanks." She grinned, then turned back to the TV.

"So you're a dancer, Brittany?" Mom joined in on the conversation. Dear god don't let her say something embarrassing. To me, or herself.

"Yeah, Santana and I are in the same class." As least she used the correct term, instead of me and Santana. Gold star to Britt.

"Santana, I didn't know you took dance as a subject?" Mom asked,

"Yeah, I told you. I do singing and dancing as one subject." I sighed.

"Oh." Mom responded. Thank god that conversation was over. After we finished eating dinner, we went and sat back in my room. We began talking all about school and how the production had changed dates. We talked about Quinn and how she had a fight with Brittany once then she went away, leaving Brittany alone. She explained how she never has felt complete again. She feels that her and Quinn aren't as close as they used to be, and all they do is fight and Quinn is usually mean to her. I felt sorry for Brittany. The whole time I was with Quinn in the home, a poor innocent,  lost girl was left behind, the way I was left behind after Quinn left. Maybe Brittany and I are alike in more ways than we know.

"Santana, I want to ask you a question." Brittany spoke, sitting on my bed opposite me.

"How abouts. We get into our pajamas, make a blanket fort, and turn this sleepover into a proper sleepover with popcorn and lollies?" I suggestered. Brittany nodded, clapped her hands and stood up. May as well act young now, were only young once. While Brittany changed into her pajamas, I popped the popcorn in the microwave. Once it had finished, I filled a bowl with lollies and two tall glasses of coke. I placed everything on a tray and walked back to my bedroom. Brittany was standing, facing the mirror, tying her hair up. Her pajamas were adorable. She was wearing boxer shorts, they were plain white. With a T-shirt that had a unicorn on it. I placed the tray on my cupboard.

"How are we going to do this fort?" Brittany asked, sounding excited.

"How would you usually do it?" I asked while grabbing my pajamas from my drawers.

"I would usually use my bed as the frame, but your bed doesn't have poles like mine." She sighed.

"I have the best idea. I'll just get into my pajamas, then I'll be back." I walked to the bathroom, quickly got changed and joined Brittany back in my room. Together we changed my room into a fort. By hanging blankets from window and door frames, then sitting heavy things on top of the blanket, on cupboards. We took my mattress off my bed and put it inside the fort, followed by a heap of pillows and blankets. Finally, our fort was complete.

"I love this fort. I wish Lord Tubbington would let me make forts in my bedroom, but he doesn't trust me." Brittany smiled.

"Anyways, what were you going to ask me?" I asked, bringing our earlier conversation back up.

"Oh, well. Dad wanted to take me to Canada on Monday for three days. He's going to be working, meaning I'd be alone. Usually I would ask Quinn to come with me, but this time I'm asking you. Will you please come to Canada with me Santana?" Brittany asked.

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