Chapter 66.

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"Hey baby," My voice cracked.

"Santana?" The blonde girl shot up from her bed, and burst into tears before she had actually looked at me. I dropped my suitcase, and walked towards her as she ran up to me, and into my arms. I pulled the girl so tight into me, as tears streamed down my cheeks. 

Fuck, and I would've had to gone six months without this if it wasn't for her.

Having her in my arms again was the best feeling in the world. I had missed everything about it. The way she pulls me closer, holding me tightly. The way her perfume hits my noise as soon as we touch. The way she leans her head into my neck. I could feel her tears soaking through my tshirt, but that was the least of my worries at this moment.

Oh fuck, how I had missed this.

"I missed you, so much." She cried. She pulled slightly away from the embrace and met my eyes. Her blue eyes were filled with tears, too many. They were puffy, obviously from sleepless nights, and numerous amounts of tears falling from them. Her cheeks were flushed red, but yet she still looked gorgeous. I wiped the tears from her cheeks, then pecked her right cheek and looked into her eyes once more.

"I love you so much, Britt." She nodded, let a few small tears out, then brought her lips to mine which sent fireworks through my stomach. She deepened the kiss, bringing her hands up to cup my cheeks. I trailed my hands up her side and under her top, then rested them on her hips. I missed the simple touches the most. 

After an intense and very heated make out session, we pulled away from each other, I mean, not entirely from each other. Our hands were still resting on each others hips. "I can't believe you're here." She smiled, receiving a smile back from me.

"Me either, and I thank you so much that I am." I pecked her once again on the lips.

"I never thought it would actually work. The bitch ass lady who was on the phone told us that six months was the minimum and that is all there was to it."

"Well, I am here now. And I always will be. I am never going to leave you again, Britt." I assured her. She nodded, then looked to her bed.

"Should we cuddle up in bed and talk?" She asked, smirking. I nodded, then let go of her as I ravaged through my suitcase for pajamas which I put on, then climbed into her bed and rested my head on her shoulder as she lay on her back. "Where are you living?"

"With my dad, up near the music school. He is totally cool about everything, and he is so cool about us. He invited you and your family to a welcome thing for me tomorrow night."

"Oh, I'm sure my parents will want to go, they missed you." Brittany chuckled.

"I'm going to go back to music school, and I want to graduate with you."

"I mean, I can try. But I don't think I will pass." She laughed.

"I will help you." I assured her. It went silent, and so I took the chance to straddle my girl, and look down into her eyes. "God, I missed you." 

"My name is Brittany." She smirked. I smiled back, then lent down, taking her lips in mine. 


Brittany and I ended up falling asleep, and we woke to her mother banging on the door to wake us up. Whitney walked into the room as we slowly untangled ourselves from each other and sat up to face her. She sat down on the edge of the bed after placing Brittanys huge pile of neatly folded, washed clothing on the floor next to her. 

"So, girls," Whitney began speaking, "Pierce has been called out to work, and I was going to my friends for dinner tonight. If I leave you some money on the counter, will you be okay to get dinner? I mean, you could go out for dinner since Santana probably hasn't had normal food the past two weeks."

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