Yahweh's Gift

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The Endless War. The Eternal War. The war that filled the sea with blood. A conflict that went by many names; if there are one hundred different words that mean snow, there are one thousand that would represent this bloodbath. The never-ending battle between the Angels, led by the biblical God, the Devils, led by Satan and his six generals, and the Fallen Angels, led by Iblis and Azazel, had been ongoing since the dawn of the three factions. No one knows the real reason for the conflict. Some say it was the Fallen Angels trying to tempt the Angels into sin that forced heaven to intervene, while the Devils took advantage of the chaos. Some say it was the Angels trying to purge the world of sin with their righteousness. Some think that the leaders and their closest followers were simply bored and decided that, since they couldn't die of natural causes, they might as well fight to see who dies first. That the entire war was just a deal made by the three leaders to see who would control the world. Perhaps one of those was the reason and perhaps none of those were the reason, though in truth it really doesn't matter why they were fighting. What truly matters is what came of it.

Throughout the fighting, hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of warriors in each faction were felled. Countless tales of brave warriors clashing, countless legends of both named and nameless soldiers would go down to serve as inspiration to continue the fighting. War is cyclical in nature, one's friend or comrade will die and that one will seek vengeance. He will succeed and kill another's friend or comrade, thus repeating the need for vengeance. It is an endless line of drawing the blood of another because they drew blood from you.

As wars go, it was notably dangerous for those not part of the conflict in addition to those who fought on the front lines. Ordinary humans were often killed because they were thought to be enemies in disguise or perhaps sympathizers with the cause of their enemies. Other pantheons or factions were walking on eggshells trying to avoid the fighting so as to not be entirely wiped out. So, as the conflict raged on, the leader of the Heaven faction made a decision to aid the humans. He would create weapons for them. Weapons capable of defending themselves and defeating the warriors of the three factions. Weapons that would grant humans power; some would get a small amount while others would be blessed with the strength rivaling gods. Thus was the birth of Sacred Gears, the system established in the same level of Heaven as his system of prayer, worship, and miracles, Seventh Heaven.

Within the system, there were several basic tiers of Sacred Gears. There was the utility class, which would mostly aid people's day-to-day life or improve information gathering. Siren's Chord, for example, would make one's voice always sound beautiful, allowing for users to become more easily likable and gain the trust of others. Following this, there was the support class. Some of these were incredibly strong, such as Eagle's Aegis, which was a near infallible defense, while others were weaker, such as Legion Shield, which would increase the defensive capabilities of a large group. Then, there was the largest tier, which was the offensive class. This class was made up of weapons made to fight and defeat enemies, possessing gears such as Diana's Bow and Beast Mimicry, being a powerful bow and a transformation technique respectively. Creating a vastly diverse array of tools, God sent these out to random hosts in order to aid the humans' survival.

However, God realized quickly that these would not be enough. Slowly, they began to discover their gifts, and they were often recruited as mercenaries for the three factions, though they rarely were able to be more than cannon fodder to even mid-level soldiers. So, as a final attempt to aid the humans, God began to create a final tier of Sacred Gear. These were in a class of their own, known as Longinus. The Longinus was a work-in-progress that wouldn't finish until the end of the war, but these were meant to be far superior to all other Sacred Gears, having near limitless potential if utilized correctly. Each had to be carefully crafted, so as to not overwhelm the host, be undeniably stronger than those in other tiers, and have some sort of weakness so as to not become mad with power. Powers such as Incinerate Anthem, the Chief Mourner's Crucified Stand of Purple Flame, and Sephiroth Grael, the holy grail itself, began to appear, and, while bloodshed increased on all sides, the humans were able to have an impact once more. God was satisfied that his prized creation would not be destroyed by his people's conflict.

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