Chapter 4: God's New Friends (1)

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General Text

"Speaking aloud"


'Speaking to one's Sacred Gear/Telepathic communication'


Ability or Sacred Gear Title

"Sacred Gear/Demonic/Draconic voice speaking"

"Sacred Gear/Demonic/Draconic telepathic/internal communication"

"I'm back!" Issei called, walking through the door.

"Welcome home, Issei dear!" his mother called back, coming out of the kitchen to greet him. "How was your first day?"

"Did you meet any cute girls?" his dad hollered.

"Oh, be quiet, you!" Miki yelled back.

"Actually, I got a date for this weekend."




"Is this true, Yahweh?" she asked.

"I could hardly believe it either," he confirmed.

"My little boy has his first girlfriend!" she exclaimed, hugging him violently. "He's all grown up now!"

"That's my son! So, is she cute? Come on, tell us about her!" Gorou goaded, coming into the front room with his mother.

"Calm down and put me down! You're squishing me!" Issei protested his mother's 'ultimate motherly love' attack. "Besides there's more to it than that. She's a fallen angel but she was hiding it. I think she's up to something."

"So you do have a plan!" Yahweh exclaimed. "And here I thought you were a peace-loving guy who went with it because she was cute."

"That's only half-true!" Isse blushed and turned away, which made little to no sense seeing as Yahweh was inside of his soul.

"A fallen angel, huh? So, is she dangerous, Yahweh?" Gorou asked, suddenly serious.

"Well, she wasn't when I was in charge, but it's been a long time. Before you ask, no I can't tell you why she fell, but it wasn't anything major. The reasons angels fall is something very personal to them."

"Maybe you shouldn't go then," Miki said worriedly. "I mean, there're plenty more girls, right? You could always wait for Irina or try and meet someone else at school."

"I'll be fine, mom. I'm not exactly easy to take down if she tries," Issei chuckled. "Besides, it's good to have friends on all sides. Even if she's planning something, it doesn't matter unless she goes through with it."

"You really believe that?" Yahweh asked in surprise.

"Of course I do. I mean, she could be in bed right now cackling about how easy it'll be to kill me, but as long as she doesn't actually try to do it, I won't hold it against her. Maybe the date'll change her mind," Issei explained.

"You think you're that enjoyable that a simple date is going to make her give up on her plans? Plus one sin point, you really need to tone that pride down. You're not that fun to be around..."

"Neither are you, but I tough it out, don't I?" Issei snapped back.

"Alright you two, relax. Just, make sure you're careful, ok, Issei?" she said.

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