Chapter 13: Training is a lot of work (2)

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"You're getting the hang of it," Yuuma nodded approvingly. "Just try to-"

"What's wrong?" Xenovia asked, stopping her attempt at making a light spear when Yuuma paused and turned her head, seeming to be looking for something in the forest.

"ISSEI~!" Yuuma squealed, taking off and tackling something that was hiding in a tree down onto the ground.

"OOF!" Issei grunted, hitting the ground from Yuuma's super-effective snuggle attack. "Ow~."

"Aw, it didn't hurt that bad," Yuuma giggled, sitting up on top of him. "Whatcha doing here?"

"I came to check up on you two," he sighed, sitting up and pinching her cheek. "And it seems like you're not training Xenovia."

"I am too!" she pouted. "I just noticed you were here!"

"So, how are you coming along, Xenovia?" Issei asked, choosing to ignore Yuuma for the time being.

"I'm not sure," she admitted. "I can't quite get the light to stay in form for very long."

"Hmm," Issei hummed for a moment. "Have you tried forming it around an object first?"

"What?" Xenovia looked confused.

"If you're having trouble with its structural integrity, you can find an object shaped relatively similarly, such as a branch or an actual spear, and pour your light magic around it, using the object as a mold."

"Won't whatever object I use get destroyed?"

"Not if you don't want it to. Light magic is largely intent-based. If you practice with it, it will do what you want it to, allotting it follows the allowances of the power, of course."

"So, if I just will it to not destroy this," Xenovia questioned, having broken a large branch of a nearby tree. "It won't get destroyed?"

"Not if Yuuma taught you correctly," he replied, poking Yuuma in the stomach, causing her to let out another giggle. "If it does get destroyed, go back to the basics and try again."

Xenovia shut her eyes, gripping the large stick tightly, as light slowly started to surround it.

"She's doing it!" Yuuma exclaimed. "That's much better than earlier!"

"Wow," Xenovia seemed impressed. "This is much easier."

"True, but that should just help you with the basics. Once you understand how to keep it in its shape-" Issei was cut off by a slight popping noise as the light dissipated. The King chuckled momentarily before continuing. "Then go back to trying to make it without having to use a medium."

"I understand," Xenovia nodded, before attempting the exercise once more.

"So, we have some time to ourselves then. Right, Issei~." Yuuma purred, looking him in the eyes.

"Almost," he replied back, in a similar tone. "You have time to yourself. I've gotta go."

"Wha- Issei~!" Yuuma whined.

"Nope," he shook his head, giving her a quick kiss before standing and walking away. "I've got other people to see and you have plenty more to teach Xenovia. You can never get too strong, you know."

"Fine," she huffed. "I expect extra cuddles, Issei."

"You always expect that," he waved as he set off. "Good luck."

{Time & Place - ?}

Armed with his new idea, Yahweh once again returned to his universe, starting in the next galaxy that he hadn't explored yet. That was where he decided that he needed to make stuff that could be sentient. If there was nothing to do and no one to talk to, he'd just make something to do and someone to talk to! Why didn't he think of that sooner?
Yahweh spent many more years setting this galaxy up how he wanted it, modifying all his rules slightly so that the sentient things could be comfortable. After that, he picked up one of his creations where he decided they would live, which was really just a giant ball of rock he mashed together, he started filling it with what he called 'living stuff.' It was different from his usual stuff, but also the same. It wouldn't be any fun, he decided, if he were to just createliving stuff, so he decided to make living stuff out of the stuff he already had.

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