Xander's POV:
The second the car was parked Nico and I were out of it, incidentally leaving the girls and Marcus to catch up.
Neither of us used out advanced speed for their sake, so had to be quick in a different way.
We didn't have time to grab our things, but I knew they'd be brought to our rooms regardless.
Those last seven minutes were agonizing and I wasn't sure how much time I had left to keep it together.
It had gotten bad enough that even Nico was showing evident signs of struggle with the hand he kept over his mouth and the tension in his face as we booked it into the castle we called home.
We couldn't even take the time to look around the outside of it before we were booking it up the steps to get in the main entranceway.
As soon as we did, we noticed the number of people within it, chatting away.
My parents had kept this first floor a public gathering area for as long as I could remember, and had accommodations like food and drink always present for whoever wanted or needed it.
Which is why when I spotted the first tray that held glasses of blood, I didn't hesitate a second longer.
My feet were pushing against the ground towards them, much faster than usual advanced speed.
So much so that I nearly tripped as I slowed down.
My little fumble didn't matter as much to me as getting blood in my system, so I focused on that first.
I've always been clumsy with my 'royal advances' anyway.
I scooped up four of the crystal wine glasses, one in each hand between my first and middle, then my fourth and pinky.
Miraculously I managed to get back to Nico without a hitch, holding two glasses out for him to take.
We both practically inhaled them from there, the A positive, though not my favorite, being just what I needed.
The sweet taste immediately brought a relief that was... almost unmatched.
I felt myself turn towards Doe at the thought, the ache and tingle in my throat dying down as I finished the second one.
I pulled the glass away with a relieved breath, Nico following right after.
"Okay," He began, setting the empty glasses on an empty passing tray, " Now that that's over..."
I set mine on the same tray as he worked in composing himself.
I for one put my eyes back on Doe.
'I told you I'd be fine' I mouthed, getting one of her signature eye-rolls as a response.
It made me smile nonetheless.
"Yeah," I responded simply, taking the opportunity as I turned back around to see just how much had changed here.
The old tiles that once made up the floor was now made of white marble burnished with gold here and there, no doubt coming from my mother.
The support pillars were wrapped in velvet scarlet cloth, and flowing fabric here and there on the walls with my family's crest.
I took in a deep breath, catching all the familiar scents of home.
God, I missed this place.
I just hope Doe has been enjoying it so far dipite that little emergency.

Taming A Predator
Vampire››BOOK 2 OF PREY‹‹ I was born into a world forever meant to be against me. Into a world, I was never supposed to get the opportunity to know. Created as lowly property to the savage, blood-thirsty predators that have long since dominated these lands...