Chapter 13

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Xander's POV:

The strumming of Doe's guitar filled our room as she ran through the individual notes of some random sheet music I found instead of just focusing on cords.

I've learned that she gets into this 'zone' type mindset after sitting down into that round stool with her instrument and can go hours on end with it if she so desired.

Practicing the sheet music until she could do it perfectly with no breaks, then eagerly flipping to the next one to start all over again.

She was picking it up insanely fast.

The only thing she needed my help with was the occasional question and making sure that all of the strings were tuned correctly.

I'll let her get comfortable with the instrument itself before trying to introduce her to the mess that is music theory, but even with that, she'll probably pick it up in no time.

Through this as well as... other things had brought to light that she was just a very fast learner when it came to things she truly wanted to know more about.

Fast and committed.

She worked well with that guitar and looked great with it too.

Throughout the days, I've realized that she bites the corners of her lips whenever she's deep in focus.

The deep focus that got thrown off from the sound of a note didn't match up with the rest.

Which ended a relatively long streak of only correct notes she had.

Usually, if she wasn't sure of where the note was, she'd pause and make sure she got it right before playing it.

She let out a confused and disgruntled grunt, peering closer to the sheet music.

"The D's are sharp in this key signature," I reminded her.

"Oh right," She whispered, mostly to herself before correcting her previous note.

She carried on for a few seconds before stopping again, turning her head to where I was sitting on the side of the bed.

"Before I forget again, I've been meaning to tell you that I finished that book," She said.

"Oh yeah?"

It took her a while, but with all that was available to her now, I wasn't expecting her to just read all day anyways.

For the past days, whenever Nico and I were busy, she'd go hang out with Khloe and Marcus. If I wasn't, then she'd sometimes hang around me and work with her instrument or something.

Lily was still working on setting aside some time for the lessons Doe had wanted, so that wasn't a consideration yet.

It was usually towards the end of the day that I'd see her get any reading done, but that never lasted too long until she joined me in bed.

Just the thought crossing my mind got a rise out of me...

"What'd you think?"

"It was," she took a moment to get the right word, "Interesting," She settled with, her eyes straying from mine for a second.

A fair enough conclusion for a book about a topic she knew little about.

"Entertaining at least. I could see myself reading it again someday."

Not to mention the little show she put on after reading a certain scene in it...

I gave her a nod, hanging my legs over the side of the bed.

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