Chapter 53

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Doe's POV:

As time passed, we dropped off her key, got ready to sleep, and settled into bed. Xander and mine's opinions on this whole thing evolved in two very different directions.

My brain had somewhat settled from the initial freakout and embarrassment, now attempting to take a more logical route.

I wasn't sure whether my thought was correct, or I was just finding a way to cope and not freak out as much.

Xander on the other hand was a wreck, groaning and hiding his face in my stomach from the odd position he decided to cuddle.

My head was the only one actually on a pillow, his arms folding against my lower back and our legs bent to awkwardly fit into each other.

Leaving me massaging his scalp and neck to attempt to get him to relax.

My route of thinking was leading me to believe that with both of our worries, the best thing we could do would be to just clear the air with the truth as soon as possible.

Xander already said that he wasn't worried about her snitching, just worried about what she might have thought was going on.

Which was... understandable in its own right, but Lily wasn't the type to make those kinds of assumptions right off of the bat. Not with how well she'd come to know both of us.

Xander had been taking the blame for those kinds of things for too long, he didn't want Lily to think of him as that kind of person.

I hoped that she'd at least know that I wasn't one to be used so easily these days.

But again, these thoughts could just be self-soothing.

My real worry, though he already pushed it off, was about word getting out.

"What makes you think that she's not going to say anything?" I asked for my own confirmation.

He only backed up enough to where he wasn't speaking directly into me, his voice still carrying that sullen pout.

"Her job comes with a promised secrecy kept within her family and between ours... So she can't legally discuss this kind of thing to outside sources."

Okay, that did make me feel a little better about this.

"But she could to your parents? To Nico?"

Both of those sprung up different problems in my mind.

The thought of Nico knowing was weird in a very specific way that I was most definitely overthinking, but couldn't help it. Though most of it got dulled from the fact that he was most likely doing the same with Khloe.

His parents though... That was a wild card.

What would they think? What would they do?

The plan was to turn me into a vampire and then introduce all of this.

Get rid of the one reason they may disprove of entirely before even starting.

"She could."

"And that doesn't worry you?"

He pulled back just far enough until I could see his brows furrow, then release with a sigh, leaning his forehead into my body yet again.

"I don't know," He groaned, "I've tried not to think about it. I just think we need to beat her to it. Find her right when she starts opening up and..."


Another sigh followed by silence.

'Find her right when she starts opening ' meant go in right as she does.

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